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Robo 3d PLA or ABS+PLA - New buyer seeking advice.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by twopinacoladas, Nov 13, 2013.

  1. twopinacoladas

    twopinacoladas New Member

    Nov 13, 2013
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    Hello everyone, I have been researching 3d printers pretty extensively the past while. I have pretty much decided to go for the Robo 3d printer. I was thinking of going with the ABS model but once I factor in shipping, customs, filament, HST etc it approaches $1,000 in cost. Compared to other printers this one seems to give the best bang for the buck in terms of print volume, cost for an assembled printer and it is more aesthetically pleasing than some other comparable printers.

    I have a couple options of ordering the Robo 3d PLA model without the heat bed and then potentially ordering one down the road if I feel I need one or going with the Robo 3d ABS+PLA model right from the get go. I am wondering which route would suit my needs the best?

    I have ambitions of potentially making a couple large objects such as printing a full size Casey Jones mask from the 1990 film Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and printing out action figure size character models and other models I have created.

    I was wondering if anyone who has the PLA model would it be possible to print something that big with good results without a heatbed and not have warping that would negatively affect the print. I have read that PLA doesn't warp as much or as easy as ABS but in some instances with big prints it can warp but not always.

    If anyone has opinion or recommendation feel free to chime in, I am eager to order as I know the wait time is about 8 weeks so I am hoping to order soon. I was also wondering if it is realistic to expect to print something as big as a mask. It would fit the print bed with room to spare but I don't know if there are any limitations I may not know about. I would assume the print time on a mask would likely be very high I thought perhaps in the range of 16 hours by my limited knowledge.

    I was also wondering about the print speed on these machines if anyone is aware of how they compare to other machines comparibly priced that would be appreciated as that is one of the features I have been unable to find in my research. Any comments, experiences with the printers quality of prints or impressions would also be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks you all in advance, I look forward to getting my hands on a printer sorry for the long topic.
  2. Das Wookie

    Das Wookie Active Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Print speeds from machine to machine will largely be the same as it's the material being printed that dictates the speed, not the printer itself.

    As for which model to get PLA vs PLA/ABS it depends on what you want to do with it and the material properties you require. Having a heated bed allows a LOT more flexibility in terms of capabilities, not only with existing filaments but additional types of filament are being developed all the time, and many will require a heated bed. Of course, most of us ordered the ABS/PLA models, so you're going to get a definitively skewed opinion... but also many of us researched what to get and if the ABS model additional costs were worth it or not already, and we reached the conclusion of going for a ABS/PLA capable printer. If you can afford it, I would say get the heated bed. If you can't don't and know you can always upgrade (at more cost than the initial order) down the road.
  3. tesseract

    tesseract Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    As far as PLA and warp most of the time it does not warp however if the print has a large contiguous flat base it can warp a bit especially if the print is also tall your future pritns do not seem to fall into this category and you will most likely be using support and so I really do not see much chance of warping however your material may differ but I would guess most likely not to warp.

    The heated bed as Wookie mentions does allow for a wider variety of material including nylon and the lay???? product lines. Everyday they are coming out with additional printable materials and some may require the heated bed to work correctly.

    My vote ABS/PLA
  4. twopinacoladas

    twopinacoladas New Member

    Nov 13, 2013
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    Thank you both guys, originally I was considering the Buccaneer and it didn't have a heated bed but it printed small parts. I can see where you are coming from with additional print materials having more flexibility with printing different materials with a heated bed (something I had never really considered but might research a bit). It is likely better to get one with a heat bed.

    I am still unsure which one I will go with, I am mainly looking to step into this hobbie. I was hoping to start with an inexpensive machine to start off with but this one seemed like it is very good for the cost of either model. It would allow for some prints I didn't think would be possible in the price range I was looking at paying a little more than I originally intended. I still may go for the somewhat cheaper model and upgrade to the heat bed after as I don't know if I can justify just under $1,000 to start off with its that damn HST tax that pushes the price up just over $100 in Canada.

    I appreciate the feedback thanks again!
  5. Peter Krska

    Peter Krska Active Member

    Nov 30, 2013
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    One other thing to consider, is the buying power of the Canadian dollar compared to the US dollar. If you pay with paypal, you'll notice that you buy the US dollars at one price and then you buy the printer with it. It could cost a difference of $40 dollars extra out of your pocket just because you're Canadian. It doesn't make sense that the US dollar is doing poorly but they charge you more for it when purchasing things.
  6. twopinacoladas

    twopinacoladas New Member

    Nov 13, 2013
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    I should have posted an update, I went for the PLA model, I did notice that it was a bit more expensive than the current actual exchange rate was I believe it was around $40 as you mentioned. I think I'll likely upgrade it at some point once I have it for a little while but I am hoping it will suit my needs. I am just looking forward to getting it, I am trying to get some files more print ready for when it finally gets here :)

    I ordered two spools of PLA filament white and blue I was hoping for grey but it wasn't in stock.
  7. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Frankly, either is good in the end (and PLA tends to warp less than ABS in my experience).
  8. twopinacoladas

    twopinacoladas New Member

    Nov 13, 2013
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    Thanks for the reply, this is what I have been hearing I think I'll be pretty happy with it.

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