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Unresolved Homing on Z axis is inconsistent

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by I Need Help, Apr 4, 2016.

  1. I Need Help

    I Need Help New Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Recently I have had some trouble properly homing the z axis on my ROBO 3D R1+. When I enter G28 into the gcode terminal the extruder of course homes to the center of the bed. But when I enter G29 into the terminal the coordinates given from auto calibration for the z axis were way off. They were in no way consistent or even close to being consistent. An example of the homing coords would be something like this:
    Bed x: 15.00 y: 20.00 z: 4.51
    Bed x: 110.00 y: 20.00 z: 8.51
    Bed x: 205.00 y: 20.00 z: -0.98
    Bed x: 205.00 y: 125.00 z: -1.10
    Bed x: 110.00 y: 125.00 z: 0.27

    Bed x: 15.00 y: 125.00 z: .60
    Bed x:15.00 y: 230.00 z: 6.59
    Bed x: 110.00 y: 230.00 z: 10.59
    Bed x: 205.00 y: 230.00 z: -1.08

    Are these numbers normal or are the inconsistent z values the problem with the print? I really don't know why the homing is inconsistent (not to mention it is inconsistent for prints as well) for i am still new to this 3D printer. Could someone please explain to me why the z axis is so out of whack? If you could guide me through how to fix this, I would greatly appreciate it.
  2. KTMDirtFace

    KTMDirtFace Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2015
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  3. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    About all I can suggest without knowing any details is to examine the bed and mounts carefully.
    Is the bed seated correctly (i.e. are the magnets that hold it in place fully seated)?
    How about the rail mounts under the bed? Are they loose?

    X carriage moving smoothly back and forth (bearings OK)?
    Y xis too?
    When you manually raise/lower the Z is everything moving smoothly?
  4. I Need Help

    I Need Help New Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Yes manually everything moves quite smoothly, without any problems. The bed seems to be in its proper position. But every time i try to auto calibrate either when printing or using G29 in the Gcode terminal, the Z axis always seems to be very inconsistent. I can put up more details about the printer, so just tell me what would be needed for further analysis.

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