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Adding filament profiles to Cura

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by KRGraphicsCG, Jul 18, 2017.

  1. KRGraphicsCG

    KRGraphicsCG Member

    Jul 5, 2017
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    Hey, guys...

    Does anyone know how to add filament profiles to Cura for the C2? I am using the Hatchbox PLA and I want to set it in the material preferences. Anyone knows how this works? Thanks.
  2. OutsourcedGuru

    OutsourcedGuru Active Member

    Jun 3, 2017
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    You might want to download one of my Cura filament profiles for the Robo PLA. Save it to your computer. Rename it so that it's more like...

    Brand Color 1.75.xml.fdm_material

    Edit this with a text editor. Wherever you see the word Robo replace that with Hatchbox. If you believe your PLA requires significantly different settings than the Robo (unlikely) then edit them as well. There is a field called color somewhere in there, you can edit this with the RGB version of whichever filament you're using.

    Go to this website, generate a lowercase GUID with hyphens and copy/paste that into your new file's GUID field. Save that.

    Now back in Cura -> Settings -> Import
    Once imported, you'll also need to select the newly-imported file and click the Activate button. Go back to the main screen and select it.

    With respect to Cura 2.3.1, it doesn't appear to be honoring the temperature settings. So you'll still need to use the Custom settings on the right to change the extruder and/or bed temperature for these to actually appear in the GCODE produced. Also for this version, it doesn't seem to display the custom profiles after restarting. They're actually there, it just won't display them. So it's easy enough to re-import them each session.
  3. Kilrah

    Kilrah Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2017
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    Settings -> Material -> Manage materials, make a duplicate of one and edit.
  4. OutsourcedGuru

    OutsourcedGuru Active Member

    Jun 3, 2017
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    But... you have to issue a new GUID in your edited file. If you don't, it will take the place of the one you just edited in the menu.
  5. Kilrah

    Kilrah Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2017
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    Cura is highly broken then. WTF is a UI that doesn't let you create a new material properly worth? Nobody wants or should have to manually fiddle with editing text files and generating GUIDs.

    FWIW it's worked for me that way (only looked at print settings, not looked at the cost/properties).
    #5 Kilrah, Jul 22, 2017
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2017
  6. OutsourcedGuru

    OutsourcedGuru Active Member

    Jun 3, 2017
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    Mine is 2.3.1, btw. I haven't upgraded because I hear there are support-welding problems with the defaults on 2.5.

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