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Another NO0B.......

Discussion in 'Introduction' started by Thaddeus Bowman, May 13, 2014.

  1. Thaddeus Bowman

    Thaddeus Bowman New Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    Greetings everyone,

    I wanted to say I have scoured through this forum and found many good tips with my RoBo printer, I received my printer Saturday May 10th after an 8 week waiting period (seemed worth the wait)
    And I can't complain about the printer. I received the printer that automatically calibrates and auto-levels, I had to reflash the firmware and Jerry walked me through it. I read the tips for getting it to stick to the bed and it worked. I just had a few questions to see if anyone can answer them or give advice

    1. When I home all through MC the bed goes in the Y- direction and seems to get to the limit in that direction and start shaking and rumbling very loudly, Does anyone know what could cause this and a solution?

    I ignored it and continued on with a print of a small turbine from the LightSaber files that were released.
    The print actually turned out pretty good for someone who has no knowledge of good speed settings or any settings for that matter.

    2. I plan on getting the XXL Smart LCD controller and am sort of confused on what program I should use for slicing and to produce the G-Code, any suggestions for someone who does not have a lot of experience? I can't even find the resolution settings in MC, I'd like to print a 1 micron resolution ( I know its probably too early)

    It's a little overwhelming understanding everything but I am on day 3 and I've made strides. I appreciate any suggestions or techniques.

    Attached Files:

  2. Thaddeus Bowman

    Thaddeus Bowman New Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    I also did not have the extruder temperature up to 190 like suggested, I will try that next print and also this was printed in the PLA I was given with the printer
  3. Thaddeus Bowman

    Thaddeus Bowman New Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    There were some spots missing in the print, again I blame this on my lack of knowledge for the settings...
  4. Printed Solid

    Printed Solid Volunteer Admin
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Hello, welcome to the community!

    On your question 1, that means that you are not hitting the limit switch or that you are not hitting it easily. The bed is experiencing some resistance getting there. I've seen a few different causes for this issue. Not sure how things look in the current design exactly. If you can look underneath the bed while it is trying to home, you should see a limit switch which will look like a little black box with a metal lever arm coming off of it. That lever arm needs to be pressed for the machine to know it has reached home. See if something is preventing you from reaching it.

    On question 2. 1 micron resolution is way below the capability of anything available. I hope you mean 100microns or you're going to be dissapointed :). If you're using matter control, there are settings somewhere to choose between a Cura or slic3r engine. This is where you can set up all of your advanced settings. You can also use any number of other slicers that are available on the market. You will just have to put your machine settings into the program.
  5. Thaddeus Bowman

    Thaddeus Bowman New Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    Hey Printed Solid, thanks for the reply! Yes I totally meant 100 microns, i was a little tired last night when typing that...lol

    I know exactly what you're referring to the limit switch, I will check the for the Y axis, silly question, is it located under the bed or under the machine? Jerry had emailed me back regarding the shaking and rumbling, between you guys here on the forum and Jerry I should get it figured out quickly, Speaking of XXL Smart LCD, are you still selling them?

    I also think an issue on my print might be my extruder tip may have been too close to the bed while printing, I will try to adjust that. The print came out pretty decent but the print would NOT come off of the bed after the print. Any suggestions for that? I had to reheat the bed and ended up damaging the print a little when wedging under it to release it from the bed.
  6. Thaddeus Bowman

    Thaddeus Bowman New Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    And I reread your reply and saw that the limit switch is located under the bed, answers that question...sorry!
  7. Thaddeus Bowman

    Thaddeus Bowman New Member

    Mar 10, 2014
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    I've attached a link to a video of my first print, there were what seemed to be some awkward extruder movements when traveling short distances, not sure if this video shows if anything is wrong or whether it is acting normal. you can notice in the video where there we spots missing in the print

  8. Printed Solid

    Printed Solid Volunteer Admin
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    I can't tell if it's the video or not. The motion does look odd, but I've never used the settings where the head lifts.
    We do still sell the LCDs. I've got the hang of ordering, so they are almost always in stock.

    Getting the print to stick and then getting it back off of the bed are always things to manage. You've got your prints sticking so that's awesome. for removal, everyone has their tricks. I usually use some combination of the cricut spatula, cold spray, and a tap with a rubber mallet to remove the part. If you're using glue stick to help secure to the bed, I read a post from someone somewhere about putting a little soapy water around the base being a miracle part removal tool.

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