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Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by Patrick Elliott, Sep 10, 2013.

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  1. Patrick Elliott

    Feb 20, 2013
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    My 40mm x 40mm test cube is coming out at 40.5mm x 40.5mm , How do I modify the EEprom to adjust for this? I can't seem to pull the info to see what's already there..
  2. tesseract

    tesseract Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    Currently there is no way to pull the data in from the Eprom.

    You have two options and it depends on what you want to do
    download the config.h file Coby (one of the Robo guys) modify it and reupload the the new firmware with your adjustment to the steps settings located in the config.h file
    modify it inside of repetier host as add on gcode that is added to the beginning of each gcode print
    this only if you are using slic3r
    go into the configuration of slic3r
    under printer settings
    under Custom G-Code
    in the start Gcode box you can add something like this

    M215 X 79.107 ; SET X steps
    M215 Y 78.953 ; SET Y steps
    M215 Z 2207.657 ; SET Z steps

    M215 is the Gcode command to adjust the steps of the stepper motors

    you formula is simple cross multiplication

    your current steps per inch ||||| your new steps per inch
    ------------------------------- ||=|| ---------------------------
    you current measured value |||||your desired value

    as an example
    79.400 is the current steps for x and the x distance was 40.5

    79.400 ||||| 78.419
    -------- ||=|| ---------
    40.5 |||||| 40

    or 79.400 * 40 / 40.5 = 78.419
    M215 X 78.419 ; SET X steps

    REMEMBER that these are only formula based approximations and that yo may have to do it several times to fine tune it exactly
    The x and y probably are not going to be the same so don't just put it the x values for y
    Case is important in GCODE so use it as you see here

    I also keep it to 3 digits to the right of the decimal no more no less

    If you choose the firmware route the formulas are the same it is simple a more permanent way of doing it but just takes a lot longer to do

    There is also one for the the extruder but you probably are not going to play with that one much
    M215 Exxx.xxx
  3. Bion

    Bion New Member

    Apr 26, 2014
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    I can't seem to find the config.h file. I am trying to find my old steps so I can calibrate the new steps. Any Advice?
  4. Galaxius

    Galaxius Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2014
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    I believe it's configuration.h
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