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G-Code Commands - A list

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by JohnStack, Mar 27, 2014.

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  1. JohnStack

    JohnStack New Member

    Mar 9, 2014
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    I found an XML file in Slicer that had all of the Gcode commands.

    I stripped away the XML and here it is:

    G0- Rapid move
    X optional=1X position
    Y optional=1Y position
    Z optional=1Z position
    E optional=1Extruder position
    F optional=1Feedrate
    - Move fast to the given position. Movement doesn't need to be a straight line.

    G1- Controlled move
    X optional=1X position
    Y optional=1Y position
    Z optional=1Z position
    E optional=1Extruder position
    F optional=1Feedrate
    - Move in a line to the given position.
    G28- Move to origin
    X optional=1Move X axis
    Y optional=1Move Y axis
    Z optional=1Move Z axis
    - Moves the given axis to its origin. Given values are ignored.
    G4- Dwell
    P optional=1Time in milliseconds
    S optional=1Time in seconds
    - Do nothing for the given time.
    G20- Set units to inches
    - Units from now on are in inches.
    G21- Set units to millimeter
    - Units from now on are in millimeter.
    G90- Absolute positioning
    - Coordinates are absolute to origin.
    G91- Relative positioning
    - Coordinates are relative to last position.
    G92- Set position
    X optional=1X position
    Y optional=1Y position
    Z optional=1Z position
    E optional=1Extruder position
    - Changes the origin, so that the current position represents the given coordinates.
    M104- Set extruder temperature (fast)
    S optional=1Temperature in °Celsius
    - Sets target temperature and returns immediately.
    M109- Set extruder temperature
    S optional=1Temperature in °Celsius
    - Sets target temperature and waits until temperature is reached.
    M105- Get temperatures
    - Returns extruder and heated bed temperature.
    M106- Fan on
    S optional=1Fan speed (0..255)
    - Turns the fan on.
    M107- Fan off
    - Turns the fan off.
    M108- Set extruder speed
    - Sets extruder motor speed. Deprecated in current firmware.
    M110- Set line number
    N optional=0Line number
    - Used only from host software.
    M112- Emergency stop
    - Stops doing anything discarding buffered commands.
    M113- Set extruder PWM
    S optional=0Power 0-1
    - Sets extruder power. .5 means 50%.
    M140- Set heated bed temperature (fast)
    S optional=1Temperature in °Celsius
    - Sets target temperature and returns immediately.
    M141- Set chamber temperature (fast)
    S optional=1Temperature in °Celsius
    - Sets target temperature for the chamber and returns immediately.
    M116- Wait
    - Wait until target tempertures for extruder and heated bed are reached.
    M114- Get current position
    - Returns the current position to the host.
    M115- Firmware version and capabilities
    - Returns the firmware and capabilites.
    M119- Get endstop status
    - Returns the status of all endstops.
    M20- List SD card
    - Returns the files stored on SD card.
    M21- Initialize SD card
    - Initializes SD card.
    M22- Release SD card
    - Releases SD card.
    M23- Select file on SD card
    - Selects a file for printing.
    M24- Start/resume SD print
    - Starts or resumes printing the selected file.
    M25- Pause SD print
    - Pauses printing from SD card.
    M26- Set SD position
    S optional=0File position
    - Moves the printing pointer to the given position.
    M27- Report SD print status
    - Returns status of SD print.
    M28- Begin writing to SD card
    - The following commands are stored in the given file on SD card.
    M29- Stop writing to SD card
    - Stops writing to SD card. The following commands are executed.
    M30- Delete file on SD card
    - Deletes given file from SD card.
    M82- Disable extruder relative mode
    - Disables relive mode for extruder values.
    M83- Enable extruder relative mode
    - Enable relative mode for extuder values.
    M84- Disable motors
    - Disable motors if enabled. May shift extruder position!
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