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Unanswered Help Diagnosing my print problems

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by chase ashley, Mar 24, 2016.

  1. chase ashley

    chase ashley New Member

    Feb 4, 2016
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    Hey guys,

    I was hoping I could get some help figuring out what caused my print to come out less than desired.

    Basically the filament would come out rippled every once in a while, (little blobs rather than a single line). This caused a bad top and bottom layer but it also caused the exterior surfaced to look inconsistent. Its almost as if the extruder was skipping, this cause some gaps in the infill as well.

    I have been using the same settings for a little while now and is hasn't been quite this bad before. Idk if it would make a difference but I just switched my filament to a white esun pla where before i was using a esun's black pla and this wasnt happening before. I was getting a little bit of banding along the surface before but nothing bad. I had also used the white pla before ( about a month ago ) and this did not happen.

    If anyone could help me figure out how to fix this I would greatly appreciate it.

    Machine = Robo 3D R1+ stock.
    slicer = cura 15.04.4
    filament = White esun PLA

    I Attached photos of the print and the cura settings.

    Also I know why the print started to peel up so i can deal with that ( model error / not fulled glued on bed surface)

    Thank you - Chase




    IMG_0853.JPG IMG_0855.JPG

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