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Unresolved Infill and Z offset issues

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by Mauricio Bremer, May 18, 2017.

  1. Mauricio Bremer

    Mauricio Bremer New Member

    May 18, 2017
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    Im having a really annoying combination of trouble in my Robo 3d R1+

    When I try to print ABS (at 220 C nozzle 95 C print bed) either the nozzle will be too close to the bed that the perimeter sticks great to the print bed but the infill layers get all overlapped or too far that the filament wont even stick. I've tried changing the extruder adj. with no good results.. any suggestions on what setting to adjust? This happens for example at Z offset 0.16 and if I run it at Z offset 0.17 the filament wont even stick to the print bed at the corners (im using gluestick). The straight lines look kinda good but corners just wont stick no matter the speed of the print (it's a rectangular part).

    What I find the most frustrating is the inconsistency. There's times it runs great with z offset 0.16 and when I try yo print the same code again it work. I just cleaned the nozzle and re-glue the print bed every print.

    I also see the height among the print bed is not well calibrated even after the G29 (auto level routine). I've adjust this waaay too many times manually moving the rods and it keeps getting messed up. I don't know if there's some hardware issue (I've checked the microswitches and they're both tight) or it's software related but i've reflashed the firmware and updated all my slicers, but nothing seems to work.

    I've used CraftWare to generate the Gcodes and alos directly from Matter Control and Cura, but nothing seems to work.
    I've changed every setting I thought could make a difference without any luck. I'll post my settings from CraftWare and Matter Control and try to link a video of the issue. I'd appreciate any tips on my settings.

    Attached Files:

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