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Instant ears or joining parts hmmmm??

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by tesseract, Nov 27, 2013.

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  1. tesseract

    tesseract Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    Just wanted to make you aware of something that is not that intuitive about how slic3r works any thing in the slic3r window is turned into a single part when sliced and subsequently printed. We just normally leave gaps between the thing in this "super" so that when it is done each is separate. The reverse is also true by placing things so they overlap slic3r will join them together so if you want ears on your prints to help hold it down better and you can not adjust an existing stl make an object that is just the disc add it as another component in your slice window move it or the main object so it is actually on top off the disc and then slice it sill be sliced together and printed as if the disk had been part of the original print.
    As an additional benefit parts can be joined this way as well but as of yet haven't had much use for that.

    Here is an image that if you simply had the stl for the column piece may benefit from the insertion of the extra part used as an ear.
    2013-11-27 08.21.22.jpg
    I am also attaching as a convenience a 1 inch disk and square in 100, 200 and 300 microns stl files so you can have them on hand to help you stabilize and hold down some tricky prints if needed.

    Enjoy and I hope this helps

    Attached Files:

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