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Unanswered Issue Auto Homing.

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by Spyd3r23, Mar 19, 2017.

  1. Spyd3r23

    Spyd3r23 New Member

    Mar 19, 2017
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    I've been using my printer off and on for several months without much issue and every time before when I auto home the extruder would move to center go up and down then move to the front left corner of the build plate and stop.

    Note: I'm using a Robo3D R1+ and Matter Control 1.7 to operate my printer.

    Today I started up my printer hit auto home and the nozzle went to center went up and down twice and stopped. I thought that was weird and did it again. This time it tried to move off the back of the plate and I had to stop it as it was trying to move off the plate.

    Usually if something weird like this happens I just turn the power off move the plate and extruder to their home positions and start it back up and that usually fixes the problem.

    This time restarting and reconnecting did not fix the issue. When I independently home each axis X goes to the far left like it's supposed to, z goes down to the plate like it should but Y pushes the tray out in 10mm increments. When I hit home all the X goes to center, Z goes to plate, and Y tries to go off the back of the plate.

    I also tried running a print from SD and when it tried to auto home to start the auto level process same thing happened. I installed a RepRap XXL LCD controller and when using the auto home function through it the same thing also happened. To be clear this issue occurred before installation of the XXL controller so I do not think its the culprit.

    Is there perhaps an issue with my Arduino?

    Any help will be much appreciated.
    #1 Spyd3r23, Mar 19, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2017

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