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Discussion in 'General Questions' started by oldfarmhand, Aug 2, 2015.

  1. Drmike

    Drmike Member

    Feb 9, 2016
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    Well, this is kind of late to the party, but I have an Ubuntu 14.04 system for driving my printer and I could not initially get MatterControl to load because the mono sub system failed to load. I found Cura did work, but it was very confusing because I wanted jog control and it was not available, so I ended up using minicom and sent G codes directly to the printer. In desperation (about a month later) I tried MatterControl and this time it completely downloaded and installed. It is way better than Cura from my perspective because it has simple jog commands and you can set more parameters than I can understand (as one or two weeks into 3D printing under my belt - total!) In terms of control, minicom is absolute - you send every G code by hand. That is insane for anything other than "does it work?"

    This forum is awesome. I have gone from "it does not work at all" to "it is really fucked up but does something" to "it works! but not very well". By the end of this week I'll be printing some really cool objects, because I'm sure there are people here who can answer my dumb questions.

    From what I can tell, Cura does not have anywhere near the control that MatterControl has. I assume I'm missing something, but I just don't understand the complaint.
    Dr. mike

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