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Please give information

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by tesseract, Sep 15, 2013.

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  1. tesseract

    tesseract Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    When submitting issues that you want help with to resolve please give as much information as possible that is pertinent to the issue along with the basics

    Some need information is as follows

    Filament type:
    Extruding Temp:
    Bed Temp:
    Bed makeup (i.e. what is all on the bed...glass; plexi; tape; hairspray; slurry etc)
    Also try an upload an image showing the issue(we may be able to see something you are not mentioning)
    Exact printer model (beta, R1, R1+, R2, C2, etc)
    Any customizations

    There are a lot of people here to help you get any issues resolved but we need the proper information to try and help.

    Things to remember there may be more than one way to solve an issue or at least more than one that could work so when posting for help please know you may get multiple avenues to explore when looking for an answer and finding one that works does not mean the others are wrong, just a different answer.

    Please help us help you get back to printing on your ROBO 3D as soon as we can by giving detailed info.
    #1 tesseract, Sep 15, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2017
  2. tompeel1

    tompeel1 New Member

    Apr 18, 2013
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    Guessing this might have been semi aimed at me! ill go to the other post with info
  3. tesseract

    tesseract Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    Not at all I have been reading posts for weeks that say "why won't my print won't stick" and "why did my extruder stopped why won't filament come out" as examples with no details whatsoever.

    I could answer with "because" but that would not really help in the same breath though we need information to help determine the why and instead of having a delay by us asking for the info this was to try and get the info up front.

    I posted with only that in mind and it has helped some
  4. tompeel1

    tompeel1 New Member

    Apr 18, 2013
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    Ha after looking up a few things i was noticing the trend in why wont my print stick and thats pretty comprihensivly covered! i was thinking of trying to accumulate a flow chart of photos and answers like does your print look like this... then try this style thing as im sure im going to go through the all motions over the next little while while i learn the art of 3d printing! might make a good crib sheet to save all the idot questions that everyone (including me asks!)
    4 people like this.
  5. tesseract

    tesseract Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    Well you can do that but I wouldn't expect it to have an impact as you have just seen MOST people today do not want to do the research and try and figure it out like you have just done. Today they simply want the answer and expect that it is given to them as theirs is the absolute most important thing in the world. So they ask same thing ALL THE TIME.

    I personally would love to see your work and maybe able to fill in some blanks if you have any but I just hope you won't expect people to fall over themselves getting to it. If you do it and they do flock to it I will be pleasantly surprised and a bit of faith in people's willingness to study and understand things will be restored.

    I wish you luck either way

    The internet is a two edged sword in that regard so much information is easily available that answers are simply there (wiki google etc) but when they are not and have to be researched a tiny bit (via articles, blogs and forums) people stop and simply ASK AGAIN and again and again

    Personally when I got my printer there were very few people to simply ask about the Robo so I had to do research a lot of that has been lost in the forum today
  6. Bill Watkins

    Bill Watkins New Member

    Aug 16, 2013
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    hi all
    extruder preset 220 actual 23
    abs plastic
    bed preset = 70 C at temp
    glue stick on bed
  7. tesseract

    tesseract Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    Not sure what your issue is if any so do not know where to go or what to say to help so the info will be sparse

    I would check the posts regarding 1 layer and how to get that nailed down. This is a very common issue for those newer to 3d printing and is a bit more complex than is first thought.

    The material ABS is notorius for doing that it is VERY finicky with regard to ambient temperatures. ABS cools extremely quickly and due to this large temperature differentials can be created resulting in very large amount of internal stress to the parts. The result is that sometimes corners or edges lift or warp. The stress induced can very often be so intense that even the best bed preparation and perfect 1st layer heights will be overcome and the print ruined. I would compare the ambient temperature to the bed temp. The greater the difference the bigger the issue. A heated chamber like the one @Mike Kelly developed for the ROBO would go a long way to helping resolve this as it can let the print be created in a zone that is temp controlled.

    Please let us know what the issue is
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