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Printing problems after installing XXL controller

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by Robert Choban, Oct 4, 2014.

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  1. Robert Choban

    Robert Choban Active Member

    Aug 22, 2014
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    I have the newer Robo R1 controller with the all metal hot end, heated bead, enclose bottom and Auto level. I have been printing for about a month and I printed a case for the XXL controller, with my computer and it looked great. I installed the XXL and printed a second case for the XXL, but the printing does not seem as good as when I was connected with my computer and printed the first case. I will attach a few picture for you to look at. My print temp is 210 and my bed temp is 70, not sure if the bed is too hot. The first layer seems to lay down OK. I'm getting more blobs than I did when connected to my computer and for this print the tape stuck to the XXL controller case really bad, like it melted into the case. Not sure what I can use to get the tape off the controller, I have tried sanding the case, but the tape is still there. Also, there is also a lot of fine stringy stuff over the case, not sure where it is coming from. Any help would greatly be appreciated.

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  2. SteveC

    SteveC Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2013
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    It looks like it's overextruding and plastic is accumulating on the nozzle and periodically coming off in blobs. Why are some of the blobs black I wonder? Are they thicker or somehow overheated? Is your Hex hot end leaking plastic from the tube between the heater block and the heatsink? I've seen other posts with photos of this here.

    I'm sure someone else will have a good suggestion. I can't think of any good reason why printing from and SD card versus USB would cause this. If anything, printing from an SD card can make cleaner vertical sides because of variations in data feed rates over time (like pauses in data feed) from some PCs over USB.

    If I were you I would forget the painters tape and just print on Aquanet hairspray. Especially if the flat bottom will be the front visible surface of the object. Spray an even coat on at room temp and heat to 60C for a moment to dry then print at 50C. Use a shirt gift box top with a rectangle cutout to mask the rest of the printer from the spray. I suspect that 70C may be bit too high not necessary for PLA. The only problem with hairspray is that it can be difficult to get large surface contact prints off. For these I soak the edges with water until the hairspray dissolves.
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