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Unanswered Problems with base of object / support structure

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by Derek Svenson, Nov 4, 2016.

  1. Derek Svenson

    Derek Svenson New Member

    Nov 4, 2016
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    I have been working on this for two weeks, trying different programs and what feels like 100 different settings to try and resolve it. I am trying to print a pretty simple object and get it to complete without the lower walls being distorted and messed up (will attach pictures). I have tried using MatterControl versions up to the latest 1.6 nothing ever seems to fix it. Now just tried with Cura 15.04.6 software and the same result. Have also had this issue with other objects but have been trying to switch to an "easier" object for testing then move up to a more complicated print.
    The top of the object prints fine with good resolution and finish. The bottom however is very rough, in some cases not complete, missing the design, etc. You can tell the difference by the pictures I uploaded of the object I am trying to print.
    In the Cura software I have it building a raft which is working fine, it seems to be an issue with the support structure and building off of that support structure correctly. My settings for support structure are:

    Support type: Everywhere
    Structure Type: Lines
    Overhang angle for support: 60 degrees
    Fill Amount: 40%
    Distance X/Y: 0.7mm
    Distance Z: 0.22mm

    I have changed these settings and tried lots of variations but continue to get a very rough print of the lower surfaces of any object I print. Anyone have any ideas on what printer settings to tweak to smooth out those outside layers?

    Attached Files:

  2. CHris Taddei

    CHris Taddei New Member

    Nov 6, 2016
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    Use a finer layer height, .1 and reduce the nozzle temp to 180. Do not use support material. you could ever print it as a spiral vase.

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