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Unresolved x-axis bar

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by lichaem69, Mar 28, 2016.

  1. lichaem69

    lichaem69 Member

    Apr 15, 2014
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    i notice that my nozzle when z-homed in the middle of the bed is not laying on the bed, like it would be when in the corners, now i am thinking that it is either the smooth rods that the extruder slides on are slightly bent, or the bed could just have a dip. Any suggestions on how to fix this, or could the auto-bed level upgrade fix this problem. I have been having problems with my prints, with layers coming out like crap, and other layers not sticking. I have linked photos of 100 micron and 400 micron prints, the 400 micron ones are just terrible.

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