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Unresolved x carriage only slides left in pre print calibration

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by Senator1891, Jan 10, 2017.

  1. Senator1891

    Senator1891 Member

    Feb 19, 2016
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    When I try printing using the auto bed leveling or G29 the x axis will move in one direction only. Once the auto bed leveling at the beginning of every print is done it then moves normally. Any thoughts on this? Looking at the robo head on I will slide the carriage manually to the left. It will do a:
    z axis calibration,
    move to the center,
    z axis calibration,
    move to the farthest right,
    z axis calibration,
    move the y axis to the middle,
    z axis calibration,
    z axis calibration in the same spot (Not even trying to move to the left),
    z axis calibration in the same spot (Not even trying to move to the left),
    move the y axis to the back portion,
    z axis calibration,
    loud noise as it tries to move farther right but can't (since it has been farthest left most of this time),
    z axis calibration,
    loud noise as it tries to move farther right but can't (since it has been farthest left most of this time),
    z axis calibration,
    loud noise as it tries to move farther right but can't (since it has been farthest left most of this time),
    z axis calibration,
    moves onto the print like normal

    One thing to note is once the calibration is over the x carriage moves across the x axis left and right just fine.

    Oi...having so many issues trying to print a single thing...please any suggestions would help.
    #1 Senator1891, Jan 10, 2017
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2017

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