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Z-Axis moves down into prints HELP!

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by kaver84, Oct 11, 2014.

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  1. kaver84

    kaver84 New Member

    Oct 11, 2014
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    I'm looking for some help with my printer. I just bought the R1 with auto-level. Its the version with the hex-hotend, smooth rod bed, and encased bottom. At first the printer worked great, i was getting beautiful prints. One night i was printing an object an checked on it at about 60% and the hotend heat block and nozzle was flopping around. It was actually broken off. That that was strange but read that there are some micro welds on the heat break and thought maybe I have a bad one. Contacted Robo 3D support and didnt hear from them for the longest time, couldn't afford to wait any longer so i purchased an E3D V5 from printed solid. Got it right away and installed it (after 4 painful weeks I did finally receive the hex hotend from robo 3D). I decided to add the XXL LCD controller at the same time. Tried another print and came back to the hotend pushing through the print yet again.

    So here is the problem, when i start a print it works as expected. After a random amount of layers the hotend moves down and tries to print through the object. Hard on the printer and ruins the prints. I've tried different models, my own ran through netfabb and proven ones off of thingiverse. I've used mattercontrol with cura slicer and matterslice, I've used repetier host with slicer same issues no matter what gcode i send. The gcode looks fine in the preview.

    I've contacted matter hackers and Robo 3D with little to no help. I even had a 1:1 skype call with Jerry from Robo 3d. He's a nice enough guy but seemed very distracted the entire time and we didnt get much accomplished. He updated my driver and then sent me the firmware version V4 to install as I was running V1. I installed that after he left. Tried a print again today....same issue.

    If anyone has any ideas to get me printing again that would be great. Sorry for the novel just wanted all the facts out there. Getting pretty frustrated. This isn't my first 3D printer (had a printrbot LC) but I've had no luck on my own.
  2. kaver84

    kaver84 New Member

    Oct 11, 2014
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    Here's an image so you can see whats happening. The hotend went down into the print, crashed around a bit and after the belts slipped enough it started printing on the bed again off to the side. Again gcode looks fine. Z motors are tight. Robo 3D autolevel start gcode is configured and used in mattercontrol. Also in Slicer settings in repetier host with a z offset of 1.15. Print start beautiful and end in destruction.

    Attached Files:

  3. kaver84

    kaver84 New Member

    Oct 11, 2014
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    After a long two days of tinkering I finally figured out the issue, figured I'd post the solution in case others have a similar problem. Sometimes the biggest issues are caused by the smallest things. After going back and forth with the firmware and gcode and print software I decided to tear the printer apart. Turns out the connection on the fan that blows on the board had come loose (not off just loose). The other fans are noisy when the printer is turned on so I could tell that it wasn't working. After I tightened it back up prints are coming out beautiful again. Crazy that little amount of air blowing over the board makes that big of a difference.
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