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Dusting off a R3D beta; issues and upgrades

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by CoenB, Dec 28, 2021.

  1. CoenB

    CoenB Member

    Mar 14, 2014
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    Hi everyone,

    It has been a while since I've been here. I see it is still somewhat active, so I'm hoping I could get some input. I've recently decided to dust off my Robo3D beta PLA+ABS version (early 2014 purchase date in EU). Haven't used it for about 5 years (got other printer + no space for active use). I've had some minor issues and some refitting questions, these are numbered per subject.

    Bit of setup info and history. You can skip the parts that are not interesting.
    - Stock parts, except for: 8mm rods (which are not entirely straight); hobbed bolt; RAMPS cooling fan; taped bolt of large extruder gear to reduce play
    - Smart XXL LCD controller with (at the time) updated Marlin firmware (1.0.5 version)

    Had major z-wobble issues, 8mm rods fixed that. Was stored in good working order. First print, about a month ago, looked like the z-wobble had returned for some reason. Had no energy to find the cause. A week ago, had some time and motivation. Cleaned and lubricated lots of parts. First print did not have z-wobble issue, neither does the second one. I am noiticing some ringing or vibrations, but that can probably be attributed to the unstable X rods and screwrods, as well as issue #2.
    Also, glass bed is, and has always been, slightly warped in a U shape (Y0 and Y254 are higher than middle, could be simple sag but I doubt that since its glass).
    Further issues with the J-head I had: http://community.robo3d.com/index.php?threads/introduction-and-a-few-problems.2420/

    1) Preferred software + settings
    I don't have all my old settings anymore. Also don't have the knowledge anymore. Used to use Repetier, but the latest was probably version 1.4 or something. Current system only has Voxelizer for my other printer.
    I tried using latest Cura. Entered the printer properties and saved GCODE to SD. Printer bed drove itself into the opposite ends, looks like Cura inversed the home positions. Wasn't interested in figuring out the problem. Used Repetier and slicing with Cura Engine worked, but its stock raft setting is very poor (last raft layer is too close).

    Any suggestions on recommended or preferred software, or software tweaks.? Exluding Simplify3D.

    2) Askew pulleys
    I've noticed that the Y and X belt pulleys have a slight wobble when rotating. It doesnt seem that the stepper axis are crooked, but I can't tell for sure without disassembly (especially for the Y). I reckon this resulting 2D/3D fluctuation of the pulley has a minor influence on the translated 1D travel of the belt, i.e. bed and extruder position.

    Would this require new pulleys, or is it possible to reseat them (as in, I know it can be disassembled and reseated, just referring to potential single-use damage from this current askew fixation).

    3) Parts cooling fan upgrade + software setting value
    The stock 40mm DC 12V ?A 2-pin fan sounds terrible now, plus one motor arm is broken. Also, generally, its airflow is not amazing. I've been looking at some 3-pin and 4-pin DC 12V fans (Noctua etc). I know there is no PWM. I guess the fan speed is controlled by the board by regulating the voltage? If so, 3-pin or 4-pin shouldn't matter in that case, right?

    Also, the LCD controller has a fan speed range from 0-255. What is this number, and why does it take 2 minutes to reach full fan speed when set to 255?

    4) Feedrate / extrusion settings or new printhead?
    During the test print, I've noticed some non-optimal print properties.
    - Small print areas, that are part of a large layer print area, seem underextruded (e.g. when printing a plate with screwhole sideways, the hole sides are very small in print area); there is a noticeable change in layer consistency and corner accuracy (90 degree corners are rounded off, almost looks like it goes too quick or has too little material).
    - Sometimes corner edges are warped upward. I'm guessing this can be attributed to the poor cooling. I have already printed a new airduct (my previous one melted), so haven't had the chance to test and compare.

    I am using normal parameters (205C temp, 40mm/s, PLA).

    Can this be resolved in software, or is it possible that the stock J-head isn't up for the task? When I had fixed the askew J-head (as purchased) and z-wobble, the printer actually put out some respectable results. So I guess the stock J-head isn't that bad. Is it worth getting a E3D V6 or something like it, or stick with the stock one?

    5) General upgrades and recommendations
    I am probably going to use this machine for PLA only, as my other machine has way better environment control and capabilities for ABS printing. Are there any recommended upgrades I should look into?
    - My plan is to also print and install the X-rod stabilisation mounts

    My max budget is about 60-100 euro, or 70-115 USD, depending on the type of upgrades. Not more, as I figure that anything over that could be better put towards getting a cheap new printer (Ender 3 V2 or something).

    Thank you in advance.
  2. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
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    Feb 21, 2013
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    Someone else can perhaps chime in -- that is all I use for many reasons most of which are around repeatability and slice time. Way cheaper than my CD or CNC software...but if you can make the free stuff work then absolutely use it until you can't. Don't spend money for no reason.

    Try removing and reseating them. The allen screws may just be loose that holds them on the stepper shafts. If the shafts are bent your only real solution is to replace the steppers (they can be had for less than $15-20 normally -- sometimes even less)

    The extra pins are for fan speed reading and control of fan speed with a PWM signal. So +, -, PWM from fan, PWM to fan. And if you are connected to the corrrect output on the RAMPS it can use PWM to control the speed. However -- it does not need to. The RAMPS board does NOT send a DC signal to the FANS -- it sends a squarewave (AC) signal and that pulsewidth is what controls the speed of the fan :) Same thing it does with the steppers really...

    Yes. I run those on every FDM printer I have Robo or not.
    The J-head is not great. Get a good hotned and you will get good repeatable results and spare parts are cheaper than replacing the entire hotend -- E3D sells every part.

    Other than the hotend there is not much to say. If the printer has been used enough then consider a few bucks to replace the LM8UU bearings that are there on the X and Y rods. They get worn and sloppy (although the cheaper ones Robo used were not great to start with). Can make a decent improvement in quality.

    P.S. the Original beta had 5/16 rods and did not suffer from the Z banding that the R1 (not the R1+) had. The R1 absolutely needed the new Z rods. One of my two betas I did the replacement of the Z rods just to get a small boost in qulaity, the other still uses the 5/16 rods.
  3. CoenB

    CoenB Member

    Mar 14, 2014
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    Thanks for the quick and informative reply.

    Great, I will try that. The Y stepper is less easy to access, but I'll manage.

    Ok. So just switch out the old fan and connect ground and 12V to the same D9 'relay', and leave the PWM and RPM of the fan unconnected?

    Alright. I've been on the fence about buying it since 2016, but maybe now the time has come. Do I need the V6 Direct 12v with thermistor or thermocouple version? Also, I figure that Mike Kelly's tutorial still applies?

    It hasn't seen much action, just the occasional print. They still feel ok, aside from one spot on the Y-rods that feels like a slight increase in resistance. But that is probably down to the rods, not the bearings.

    The only thing that creaks/screeches is the those 'new' stepper couplers that came with the 8mm rods when traversing down from ±Z150 to ±Z30 (not up), not even machine oil could solve that.

    And yet, my z-wobble issues were instantly resolved with the 8mm (#1 is 5/16, #2 is 8mm):
    #3 CoenB, Dec 28, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2021
  4. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
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    Feb 21, 2013
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    That would work fine.

    For almost all of the process that guide still works fine. The style of the thermistor and a few other minor things may have changed., but they are obvious.

    Yea, that is hard to call. Make sure they are tight to the rods but not jamed onto the robo case

    Like I said the Beta was not really plaqued with the Z wobble, the adapters that clamp the rods to the stepper can get loose (or the threaded rods can get loose inside them) and tightening that back up is a good thining, but generally speaking Z wobble was a major problem onm the R1,not the beta. If you did the swap (and I did on one of mine) you do get a slight improvement in the Z resolution.
  5. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
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    Feb 21, 2013
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    There is a decent amount of mechanical noise generated by any FDM printer (although the Robo is louder than some). That is all normal, bearings rattle, stepper motors 'sing' and the belts make noise :).
  6. CoenB

    CoenB Member

    Mar 14, 2014
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    At the time, I was advised (by this forum and the guys from Robo themselves) to buy the 8mm rods because "it was a common problem on the beta". Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't, but in the end my improvements were more than slight though. And I don't recall any loose(ned) parts. Maybe my printer was 'speshal'.

    The Robo is nothing compared to the Zmorph 2.0S I have here; that thing is incredibly loud. Unfortunately, as far as I know, I can't change it out for silent stepper drivers.

    Yeah, the beeps, boops and whirrs I am familiar with and don't bother me. However, I am not talking about a minor sqeek or squeel, I am talking about a painfull high-pitched screech like nails on chalkboard. There are no interfering parts or surfaces. While typing this, I figured that I have not yet tested if it is the coupler or the large coupling nut. holding up the X-axis bridge. I will try that first.

    Just out of interest, what type of pulleys are present on the beta? Is it GT2 or T2,5, and how many teeth? Could not find it in the Robo3D FAQ document BOM list. Also, out of interest in case I need new steppers, are 0.9° worth getting instead of 1.8°? I understand a firmware config change will be needed, just wondering if mechanically that would make a difference on this machine and its outputs.

    The E3D V6 has been ordered along with some other stuff, should arrive somewhere tomorrow. Will look into the required firmware changes, keeping in mind the 8mm rods.
    Is it recommended to update to the latest Marlin firmware, or does that not matter? Also, where do I get the firmware for the beta...?

    Will update here.
    Thank you for the responses.

    P.S. reseating the X-belt pulley did not work.
  7. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
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    Feb 21, 2013
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    The belts and pulleys on the Robo are all GT2.

    These work:



    I would suggest NOT going to the latest Marlin version (2.x) unless you are happy playing with building Marlin ...
    Or if there is a specific feature you need.

    My Robos are all still on the stock version (1.0.x) and there is nothing I need from 1.1 or 2.0 -- your mileage may vary :)

    You are far better off swapping for a good slicer than the effort in migrating the firmware at least generally speaking.
    I like to be able to turn them on, load a model and tell octoprint to go get it done. Not a big fan of tweaking them ... Perfect is the enemy of good.
  8. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
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    Feb 21, 2013
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    Others on this forum have used both 1.1 and 2.0 of Marlin and there are threads on here for both that you can read and download configuration files for building and installing it. One of those folks can assist you if you really want to do that. Not a major pain, but not one I needed to do. I did experiment with both of them at one point or another, but ended up staying on stock to be able to better use the printer and help folks who had issues.
  9. CoenB

    CoenB Member

    Mar 14, 2014
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    At first I had some questions (mainly confusion, it's been a long time) about the firmware and config.h file settings, but after some searching I think I found the answers. Two still remain though:

    First off, is this the corrent page and file for the 1.0.x Marlin version? https://help.robo3d.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000723672-Robo-R1-original-firmware --> Old Robo R1 Firmware - R1 Beta ( No Autolevel )

    If so, I guess it is just a matter of uploading the Marlin_6_10 sketch in that folder to the Mega 2560? Your (helpful) post here mentions ROBO3DR1PLUSV1.ino, but this one only includes Marlin_6_10 and Marlin (the only two .ino files, both 2kb).

    Secondly, I noticed that, despite stating that there is no bed autolevel, the bed autolevel stuff is not commented out in the config.h file. Does that matter?

    (yes I won't forget to change the steps/unit from 2267.72 to 2560 and obligatory E3D stuff :) )
  10. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
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    Feb 21, 2013
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    That is the one.

    Yes, whichever one you use just use the INO file (via the Arduino compiler) to compile and upload it. Any editing you want/need to do for that version is done in the CONFIGURATION.H file. Do that before you compile/upload it (if you have anything to tweak).

    OK, the issue with autoleving on the beta machine is that while the firmware may support it -- the hardware does not. The beta has a single Z position switch that is mounted at the bottom of one of the smooth rods. So it is effectively a single, global Z height endstop. The R1 and R1+ have two Z endstops that are mounted on the crossbar (one on each side) and the autoleveling moves the extruder (and crossbar) around the bed to sample 9 points and then Marlin does the math to create a 'level' plane that becomes the new Z offset. That will not work with the beta since it only has one Z switch and the position of the extruder/crossbar have no input to that :) Will the firmware support it? Perhaps -- the early versions of Marlin were not aimed at autoleveling, but it could perhaps work. I'd suggest if you want that then do the upgrade to the Z axis switches (I can point you to files on thingiverse that will allow you to add the Z switches to the crossbar) and change the firmware and you have autoleveling on the beta (although at that point it is almost an R1 -- just the bed is different). You would in fact use the R1 firmware at that point (not the R1+ -- the R1). You can'ty use the R1 firmware without the changes since the Z axis switches are inverted logic in addition to being mounted in a different spot. The beta has the Z switch trigger when closed and the R1/R1+ triggers when one of them opens.
  11. CoenB

    CoenB Member

    Mar 14, 2014
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    Unfortunately, I am unable to properly mount the hotend. Whereas the previous version(s) only used the collet and related recommendation to counterbore an extra 3mm with >7mm diameter for proper heatsink-carriage contact, the version I received (which is edition 2) includes an extra collet clip. This enlarges the required counterbore from 7mm to >11mm/12mm.
    Using a spacer instead of a counterbore does not work, as the hotend will drop down too much and the fixation screws bump into the heatsink instead of the allocated recessed fixation area.

    Is it possible to run the collet without the clip, and only use the 7mm counterbore? Giving it enough space for the fixation travel of the collet, of course. I do not have 12mm metal drill bit (wood or stone do not work/do not 'bite' into the material) to enable the use of the collet clip with counterbored hole.
  12. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
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    Feb 21, 2013
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    Post some pictures somewhere and link to them. I am not getting the picture :)
    The beta originally had the J-Head and there is a minor mod you need to do for the E3D to swap in (documented in the forum -- buit in a really old thread). If you didn't go with an E3D then there may be other things to adjust
  13. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
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    Feb 21, 2013
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  14. CoenB

    CoenB Member

    Mar 14, 2014
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    The current version of the V6 is a bit different than the one in the guide. The older guide (http://community.robo3d.com/index.p...ormation-installation-guides-and-review.3407/ at step 4) recommends to drill a counterbore hole to avoid blocking the collet from not stopping the PTFE tube when retracting, as well as proper positioning and fixation of the heatsink hotend. However, this only includes a collet, as supplied with the older version.

    The installation guide for the V6 edition 2, and the product itself, now include a collet clip to permanently fix and secure the collet in a 'PTFE=gripping' state. However, this collet clip requires an increase in counterbore hole diameter of 7 to 11-12mm to enable the heatsink to be pressed against the greg's wade carriage, instead of the collet.
    See guide to see the collet clip I'm referring to: https://e3d-online.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017013257-V6-Assembly-Guide-Edition-2-

    Would installation without this collet clip -but leaving enough space to let it 'grip' the PTFE tube when retracting by means of that counterbore hole- pose any potential issues?
  15. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
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    Feb 21, 2013
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    Are you doing a bowden feed? The collet clip is used to capture the PTFE feed tube used by the bowden. The PTFE feed tube used in the standard (direct extruder) installation doesn't need the clip. It is not going to want to move anyway and if you wanted to work out a way to use it that is fine, but you do not need it. I don't use it... :)
  16. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
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    Feb 21, 2013
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    I see that their instructions are calling for it, but again -- not needed. I could be needed if your direct driove extruder had room for the tubed to move but the GregsWade we have on the Robo doesn't really have any play int he parts.
  17. CoenB

    CoenB Member

    Mar 14, 2014
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    Alright. Everything is up and running. I removed the E3D heatblock sock, as it stinks when >150°C. No idea why that is necessary/recommended. The included 30mm heatsink fan is pretty loud / whiny, unfortunately.
    Along with some resoldering of lights etc., I have also installed a revised fanduct design with a 40mm noctua fan, that one blasts plenty of cool air.

    Overall print quality seems good. The surface finish seems a bit better; tidier and less imprecise. I am working with Repetier, is working for me so far.
    I hope the hotend is fixed properly now; it came loose twice during printing (had some play in it). Seems like the original screws don't provide enough clamping force.

    A few questions remain though, and one annoying issue.

    Any ideas why my fan speed is set to 127 instead of 255 when printing? I have set it to max speed at first layer in Repetier, and the config.h file also shows 255. At 127 the fan does not work, and it makes a significant difference for overhang.

    Unfortunately, the Z-wobble phenomena, or something alike, is back. Weirdly, not with every print. It seems that the threaded rod positioning in relation to eachother cause this similar effect. As they are slightly bend, I suspect that when the bend profiles of each rod are parallel to eachother in any given plane at the start of a print, they give the effect of slightly influencing the XY positioning of the head. Any thoughts?

    Also, I've noticed that of the X-carriage's sliding bearings, the one facing the extruder side seems to have some play. Can I replace these (easily), and how? Manually or is a press needed?
  18. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
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    Feb 21, 2013
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    The fan is set by the slicer so all I can suggest is try another one and see if it behaves the same.
    You should be able to remove and replace the LM8UU bearings. They are pressed in, but it is plastic,
    You can find examples of tools to push them out if you have issues.

    This one (for example) would work: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1928974
    The length of the bolt you use for the press is all that would vary.
  19. CoenB

    CoenB Member

    Mar 14, 2014
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    Thanks, I will order those bearings I think. Or is it worth switching them out for the IGUS RJ4JP-01-08 dry ones? Not from a noise perpective (the current LM8UU's don't really make a noise), bur from a quality pespective. Most available LM8UU's are china quality, I suspect (2$ for 2). And SKF's are about 15$ a piece.

    Also, resolved the fan 127 issue. While I did have 'full fan at height X' set to 0, at the extruder settings the min. fan speed was set to 50% (now at 100%).

    Update on the z-wobble. I have reseated the threaded rods, they are less askew now when rotating.
    However, the issue still persists. I have found out its effect is almost not perceivable with 0.3mm layer height, but it is apparent with 0.2mm (pitch corresponding to wobble). 0.1mm shows similar artifacts, but not in sync with the thread pitch and looks more like some underextrusion (as some consecutive layers are correct). Any thoughts on this?

    From left to right 0.3mm, 0.2mm, 0.1mm.


  20. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
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    Feb 21, 2013
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    I have used the self-lubricating ones. If you are really concerned a little bit of lithoum grease on the rods every so often will help.

    You can replace the shaft couplers on the threaded rods from flexible ones to solid ones (there is a thread on this here) that will help eliminate some of the shaft wobble, but that is not usually the cause for Z artifacts because of the way the Z rods are attached to the crossbar the side-to-side motion is not transmitted to the print head as much as you might expect . Your 0.1 cube looks pretty good. I would suggest you make certain you are not over-extruding (that can cause layer bulging which can look like a Z artifact).

    Worst case you can replace the threaded rods with new ones (there is a thread on that) :)

    Not looking terribly bad at this point, but still some room for improvement.

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