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Identifying an R1 on Global Industrial

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by TheIdealGasLawyer, Oct 5, 2015.

  1. TheIdealGasLawyer

    TheIdealGasLawyer New Member

    Oct 5, 2015
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    Hey all,
    Is there any way to tell which generation R1 this is? (blarg can't post a link because I'm brand new. I know its a PITA but if you google "robo R1 site:globalindustrial.com" it's the first result) I assume this isn't an R1 plus but I'm not sure if it's a current R1 or or an older one. I'm brand new to 3D and looking to get my first printer through the place where I work but that means that I will have a much easier time getting the req through if I can get it from a site we have an account with and global industrial seems to be the only choice for that. I really like the large build space since I want to print several 8x8x1.5" parts. Is this a good choice? I Don't want to do a ton of tinkering to get the machine up and running but I don't mind a few hours worth for things like the top feeding filament feeder and that sort of thing.

    Also, what little exposure I've had so far has been on a taz using slic3r. How similar is the cura software that this machine uses? I'd like to be able to do things like add several top shells, use dense infill and maybe even overlap traces to ensure air tightness. Is that feasible?

    sorry for the barrage of questions and thank you in advance for the help!
  2. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    I don't think we can say from that photo.
    However unless it is really new it is more likely not the R1+
  3. TheIdealGasLawyer

    TheIdealGasLawyer New Member

    Oct 5, 2015
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    That's what I figured. Weren't there a few upgrades/design changes over time in machines that were all sold as the standard R1?
  4. Mike Kelly

    Mike Kelly Volunteer

    Mar 11, 2013
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    There were but most pictures are using stock photos from robo and wouldn't show any detail differences.

    It's probably the latest "R1" the R1.6 which had a ribbon cable for the Y axis. Those have been around for almost a year now with no major revision till the R1+

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