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Unresolved Issues with new filament

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by woferry, Jan 19, 2016.

  1. woferry

    woferry Member

    Jan 14, 2016
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    So as I'm nearing the end of my first week with my R1plus I've just about chewed through the starter filament (mostly successful prints, a few botched things here and there), I didn't want to totally finish it off as I figured I'd re-visit the Make test prints once I get things a bit more dialed-in.

    So I went to Fry's and picked up two 1kg spools of Shaxon PLA (blue and black) as well as their fluo-green ABS, and 500g of MG Chemicals translucent PLA (all 1.75mm, obviously). The first spool I loaded was the translucent, I did a print and it turned out great (and as I was doing my first 3D design which has a blind cavity it was really handy to be able to see through the walls).

    I then figured I'd switch to the black and see how that looks (plus I was going to print some things where clear wouldn't be so good, like seeing surface text). That print seemed to start out okay, but after about 20 layers it came off the bed (I printed this same object with the Robo starter filament and that didn't happen). After multiple re-tries even the first layer isn't going down well, it seems to be more interested in sticking to the extruder than the bed, so the hot-end eventually ends up gathering all of the filament on the bed and makes a goey ball surrounding the tip. I switched to the Shaxon blue and ran into the same thing, and tried thoroughly cleaning / re-spraying the bed with the hair spray I've been using all along, no difference.

    Now I will admit I haven't gone back to either of the spools that seemed to work to see if things go back to normal (I may be ready for my next test-print of my model tomorrow so maybe I'll try the clear again), but it seems this Shaxon PLA prints/sticks quite differently than Robo's (or the clear). The Shaxon filament coming out of the extruder seems much more stringy, even cleaning the tip from the usual drool once it comes up to temperature I'm left with serious cases of pizza-cheese strings, running for over a foot while still connected to the hot-end. I never saw this with Robo's PLA or the translucent stuff, there might be a bit of stringing but generally not more than an inch or so.

    As this is my first time using different PLA, is there something likely to be the culprit here, such as the extruder temperature? I left it at the 210 from Robo's spool, the Shaxon box says 180-240C so 210 was right in the middle, if it should be adjusted I'm not sure whether the symptoms say up or down, any suggestions?

    Thanks in advance. - Will
  2. Printed Solid

    Printed Solid Volunteer Admin
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    you probably need to run cooler. Those markings on the box are nearly meaningless as there are so many printers out there that require different temps for the same material..
  3. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    That usually means too hot as @Printed Solid already suggested.

    And you are discovering that every filament brand (and even every filament spool) will have a different 'sweet spot' for where it likes to print. Welcome to the Additive Manufacturing Club. The initiation fee is steep :)
  4. WheresWaldo

    WheresWaldo Volunteer ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
    Staff Member

    Feb 18, 2015
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    What many people do is to print hollow columns in various temperatures (maybe like 5°C increments) when they are dialing in the proper extrusion temperature. Or even a single column where you edit GCode (or if the slicer can do it for you) that increments the temperature.

    What you will find is that the the lowest end the part will lack strength and maybe even separate at the layer boundaries and at the hotest end you will just get bad prints.

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