Hello Mr. WheresWaldo, we are owners of a R2 and we are getting so much troubles on the bed leveling, everytime we need to do the bed calibrations and they are never perfect. We saw a post where you talked about Marlin and UBL..where we can find instructions to install this firmware? Could i make a backup of the actual firmware installed, in case of any problem? Do you suggest me to change the firmware?
Mr WheresWaldo, If I remember correctly you have or had a Creator Pro? Today, what ever I set the heatbed to, it is always defaulting to 120. Even if I set the heatbed to 0 in Simplify3d. I turned the preheat settings to 0 and turned the bed off in preheat. I even tried older prints that I've successfully printed in the past and it still defaults to 120 during preheat.