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Answered What kind of connector does the R1 and R1 +plus extruder use?

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by Mike Kelly, Feb 12, 2016.

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  1. woferry

    woferry Member

    Jan 14, 2016
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    I ordered mine from here: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00T2U76V0 They seem to be pretty commonly used in EL wiring, I have some stuff from EZ-EL(.com) that uses the same connectors (all-black wiring though). When I replaced my hotend I made up new leads for the E3D heater, thermistor and fan to interface with the existing leads (all 3 use the same connector on my R1+plus), so that I wouldn't have to run new wires back to the RAMPS board but could just exchange things right at the extruder carriage. Before that I had replaced the part cooling fan (a 4th instance of the same connector) with two 40mm fans, I hadn't ordered the connectors yet (and didn't recognize them as the same as the EZ-EL leads I already had) so I just cut the leads off the provided 40mm fan and soldered it onto leads for the replacement fans. I'll see if I can't upload a picture later.

    The fact that all 4 things on the carriage use the same connector at least makes it easy to prep replacement things, when you start unplugging things it certainly doesn't help in terms of putting them back together (they could have at least flipped the genders on one or two of them to help differentiate them). The heater connector has thicker wires going into it so that one is easier to keep track of. I would have though the thermistor would be the very thin wires since it doesn't carry any current, but that turned out to be the always-on fan wires. I used my multimeter to verify which one was which, the always-on fan has 12V across it all the time, the thermistor one has 5V across it when not connected to anything.
    Mike Kelly likes this.
  2. Mike Kelly

    Mike Kelly Volunteer

    Mar 11, 2013
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    That's a great price

    At least in the future they plan on color coding them. But for now, yeah it's really irritating.
  3. KTMDirtFace

    KTMDirtFace Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2015
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    I had a bunch of those connectors in my R/C box of random stuff I got them on Ebay. I belive they were called Waterproof JST connectors on ebay.

    Lol yea color coding would be nice. I have a piece of tape stuck on them to tell which is which.
  4. Geof

    Geof Volunteer Moderator
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    Nov 9, 2015
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    I used "junkyard" paint sticks and colored my connectors :) I think most auto parts stores carry it
  5. sebrobin

    sebrobin Member

    Oct 29, 2013
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    I have ordered a new Hexagon hotend, and the cables of the thermistor seems thinner than the one for the heater (seems obvious).
    Can someone thell me the diameter of each cable ?
    Thank you
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