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Unanswered How to remove hotend?

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by Tehbatman, May 30, 2016.

  1. Tehbatman

    Tehbatman New Member

    May 16, 2016
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    I'm looking to replace the hexagon that comes with the R1+, however when I took it out of the extruder it appears there's two locking connectors. I just can't find out how to unlock them. I've tried pushing on the sides and pulling, pushing up and pulling, and just straight up pulling. It hasn't budged at all, any help is very much appreciated.
  2. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Pictures of the parts in question would help.
    Tehbatman and Geof like this.
  3. Geof

    Geof Volunteer Moderator
    Staff Member

    Nov 9, 2015
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    If your talking about the black connectors there is a tab on the top that you press and they should come right apart.
    Tehbatman likes this.
  4. Tehbatman

    Tehbatman New Member

    May 16, 2016
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    Yeah, just found this out. Thanks!
    Geof likes this.
  5. 3D Printer Man

    May 21, 2016
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    Lets try a few things to clear your extruder.

    - Heat up the extruder to at least 200 C and pull out what’s already in the hot end if possible. You may need to use tweezers. You may need to open the filament latch all the way to see the stuck piece of filament. You can remove the screws with the springs on them and fully open the latch. Now look down into the loading hole. If you see the filament, use the tweezers to extract it. Make sure the extruder is at least 200 C.

    -You can take the extruder off the printer to get a better look at the problem. See these pictures to see how to operate the quick release and to easily remove your extruder.

    - You can heat the hotend up and turn it upside down while it’s hot to let the plastic ooze out slowly. You will be able to grab it once it starts coming out and will be able to pull all of it out with the tweezers.

    - You can also try using a long sewing needle or 1.5mm alan wrench. Heat up the tip of the tool, then feed it down in, let it cool, then pull it back out. You are attempting to fish out any bad plastic.

    - Another way to clear the hot end would be to use a small guitar string or wire bristle and feed it up through the nozzle while it’s heated up to clear any obstruction.

    - Then, while the extruder is at 200 C, with a fresh piece of filament other than the sample PLA that came with your printer (this plastic is very susceptible to humidity and weather conditions and is not intended to be used long term) Feed it down into the extruder as far as it will go. Now let the extruder cool to 165 C then pull it out while attempting to pull any remaining bits of burnt or bad plastic clogged in there.

    - You might need to take the hotend apart carefully so not to bend or break the small tube that separates the two sections. You can use a 2.5mm Allen wrench/hex key to loosen the screws holding the hot end in.

    Here’s a video that helps you to see how the extruder is put together.
    Oh this is not my credit, this is robo3d support's credit. Some of it about clogging, but some it will possibley help.

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