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Answered Z autoleveling problem

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by smalltim, Feb 23, 2017.

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  1. smalltim

    smalltim New Member

    Feb 23, 2017
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    I have problem with Z autoleveling on my R1 that I bought a week ago.
    I'm using Matter Control and it runs 9 point Z autoleveling.

    The result is that the first layer is inconsistent at all.
    The head prints first layer ~0.2 mm in the left ( low X areas) and scratches the bed in the right (high X).
    The Z calibration along the Y axis is more or less consistent.
    Playing with static Z offset in MatterControl doesn't fix the issue, as it's only moves the entire calibration plane or whatever it is up or down.
  2. smalltim

    smalltim New Member

    Feb 23, 2017
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    The printer tries to compensate for bed misalignment, I can clearly see it when moving by X, as the Z rods turn a little. But that's clearly not enough or plain wrong.
    I ended up with putting sheets of thick paper under 3 rightmost calibration points while autocalibrating, but that's just stupid, and it's inconsistent again.
    What I also noticed is that the endswitches on Z axis (I have two) don't work reliably:
    as the X motor is on the right Z rod, the right part of X girder weights more, so the right Z endswitch doesn't toggle when expected, it is expected to toggle when calibrating the middle and the right points, right?
    It looks like Z needs to move ~1 mm to toggle the switch, so when the head is pushed against the glass while calibrating, left side of the girder goes up instead of right part going up, so left switch toggles first instead of right, and it adds too much Z difference and affects the calibration.
  3. smalltim

    smalltim New Member

    Feb 23, 2017
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    If I put my hand on left part of X girder to add some weight while calibrating, I get better results, but it's stupid and inconsistent again.

    I am really amazed by this miracle of engineering and I would really appreciate any help in getting consistent Z calibration...

    The printer is very good in all the other aspects so far, I'm getting good prints which are surprisingly consistent with fusion 360 designs: I was getting <0.25mm errors in dimensions when printing 200x200x16 mm parts, it's just calibration and first layer that is problematic.
  4. Geof

    Geof Volunteer Moderator
    Staff Member

    Nov 9, 2015
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    it sounds like the switch on the right side (ont he threaded rod) is not seated correctly. Can you share some photos of that switch? If it is seated properly you can conduct a paper leveling of the x axis to get it level with the bed :D
  5. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
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    Feb 21, 2013
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    Yes, either one of the switches is not seated correctly or not working correctly.
    The auto leveling as implemented in the R1 series requires that the X axis be level (or really close) for it to work correctly (the two switches are aligned in the X axis). If the switches are not working or mis-positioned it will fail too.
  6. Rigmarol

    Rigmarol Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2016
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    Check the wires to the switches as well. On mine the wires on the left were not connected to the correct terminals and I had similar results as you are having. I made them the same as the right switch and my problem went away.
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