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ROBO e3 Not homing and making grinding noise.

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by Jarom Smith, Dec 15, 2022.

  1. Jarom Smith

    Jarom Smith New Member

    Jul 16, 2020
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    Hello, I am kind of desperate to find an answer. My robo e3 (mini version) is having homing and grinding issues. Initially the filament sensor broke so I replaced it and it started to feed filament properly. But now it is making a grinding noise when trying to home and start a print. The printer is hitting all limit switches and it seemed to be the x-axis sensor that might have been the issue. I have replaced the entire print head and checked the black tab to make sure it is intact. It still will not home without making that grinding noise and wont print properly at all. It's as if it is totally unable to find 0,0,0.
    Could this be a firmware issue? How do I reset? Robo service and support are completely useless. They don't answer their phones at all. They communicate thru email only and they keep going around and around in circles. The robo is only 3 or 4 months old and I can't even get them to let me send in the unit to see if they can look at it. I'm at a loss...
  2. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Moved to the E3 section.
  3. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    @Geof can comment perhaps
  4. Geof

    Geof Volunteer Moderator
    Staff Member

    Nov 9, 2015
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    If you think the x axis is the issue hold the switch closed when you home. If it homes z and y without issue (x won’t move because your holding it closed) then you have a pretty good idea the x switch or it’s wiring is bad. Or worst case the board. I’d make a guess either the belt is very loose or the x end stop wiring came off

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