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Solved extruder clog on r1 plus+, can't remove hot end

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by ToastedBagelBaconJam, Feb 2, 2016.

  1. ToastedBagelBaconJam

    Feb 2, 2016
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    My printer was chugging along like a champ until a few days ago. It was extruding less plastic than it should, then developed a full blown clog. I know how I should go about fixing it, but every tutorial I find isn't for my exact printer, and I cant remove the hot end to get inside it to unclog.

    i have an R1 plus+ model, am i just blind and cant find the screws?
  2. afat08

    afat08 Member

    Jan 9, 2016
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    I just went through this with mine, because all the information I find is for the older version. What I found when taking mine apart is that the R1+ uses a Plate to hold it in place. Without having the machine in front of me I can't give exact details, but carefully start breaking it down and take pictures if you can't remember where everything goes...

    IIRC, Take your "Z" up about halfway, Unplug the machine, unscrew the parts fan on the extruder assembly. Then there is two screws on the bottom of the assembly, one on either side (front and back) of the hotend, carefully remove those and the whole top portion of the assembly should come off. There you will see the plate that is holding the hotend in place.

    Again, that's just off memory, I only did it one time
  3. ToastedBagelBaconJam

    Feb 2, 2016
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    thank you, ive got it out, but now it looks like my problem is worse than i originally thought.

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