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Robo3d saved my ass!

Discussion in 'Show and Tell' started by pmichetti, Feb 12, 2016.

  1. pmichetti

    pmichetti New Member

    Sep 26, 2014
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    image.jpeg I've had a robo3d printer for a while but life got busy and I didn't use it like I wanted. I have a motor home and one of my side marker lights fell off somewhere in Texas. The part I needed comes attached to a body panel which would have to be installed, then have a five color custom paint and clear coat. Definitely north of two thousand dollars.
    So I got out some calipers, measured the one on the other side and made a file in sketch up ( somewhere in Louisiana ). When I got home I printed it primed, painted and clear coated then epoxied it to the post panel. Less than $100 in paint and adhesives and it looks awesome!
    image.jpeg image.jpeg
  2. Printed Solid

    Printed Solid Volunteer Admin
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    I initially saw this as 'sHaved' was expecting to be laughing a lot.

    Still well done. Nice to see a printer job for something useful that saves enough $$ to pay for itself.

    I had a customer that bought a printer. On their very first day with it, they used it to prototype a new product idea. Prior to buying the printer, they would have had to order custom made hard tooling at a lead time of 6 months and $10,000.

    Turns out the concept that they were working on didn't work! So, in a few hours, they saved weeks of work and $10k in tooling with a $1k printer and about $1 worth of filament.
    Caleb Cangelosi and Geof like this.

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