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Unanswered Print keeps pulling PEI sheet off of bed, what can i do

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by robocad, May 28, 2016.

  1. robocad

    robocad Member

    Mar 28, 2016
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    Ive been printing a wide print in PETG, it takes up most of the buildspace, but its not very tall, however its tall enough that it lifts off the PEI sheet and pulls the sheet with it. Ive tried cutting the print size down to half and heating the bed up but it still does this. I have binder clips along the sides but it still flexes up along the center.

    Ive been using double sided tape which has allowed me to remove the sheet so i can flex thinner prints off of it. Also it allows me to level the bed. Ive seen that people use the 3m adhesive sheets but it looks like a permanent solution and wouldnt allow me to level the bed since these PEI sheets are uneven.

    So what are my options, is it not possible to print directly onto glass? I heard that PETG will break glass but maybe it was the type of glass they were using. If theres some sort of semi-permanent way to adhere PEI to the buildplate i'd like to know.
  2. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Yes, I print all filaments directly on the glass.
    PETG is very aggressive at adhering to the glass so a long razor knife and care are required to get it off (and I would do it while the bed is still warm).

    In the end with enough time and wear you are going to get some chips, at a minimum, in the bed. Some folks have switched to aluminum from the glass and perhaps one of them can chime in (or search the forum and contact them directly, there were some threads out there on this).
  3. Printed Solid

    Printed Solid Volunteer Admin
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Borosilicate Glass is pretty soft and the copolyesters stick pretty agressively, so, you will get chips with copolyesters (all your different last letters of PET). Glue stick works well as an intermediary to reduce the stress on the glass a bit.

    The 3M sheets certainly aren't permanent. They're just harder to remove, which is kind of what you're going for, right?
    Geof likes this.
  4. 3D Printer Man

    May 21, 2016
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    What are your bed, and hotend/extruder temps?
  5. 3D Printer Man

    May 21, 2016
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    What type of tape do you use?

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