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Solved New Robo3D R1+ - clicking/grinding from extruder

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by Andy Rosen, Jan 7, 2017.

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  1. Andy Rosen

    Andy Rosen New Member

    Jan 7, 2017
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    All -

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions you may have. I'm very new to 3D printing (roughly 18 hours now) and have searched the forum but I'm not exactly sure of the terminology to explain what I'm seeing.

    I printed the water can from the Robo3D gardening pack and it went all sorts of weird. The first inch or so we're good then it seems all three axis went goofy (tilted left and forward and could see between the layers).

    I cleaned up after the mess and went to print a smaller object but I've been met with what I would describe as a clicking or grinding sound from the extruded motor. Lightly helping the gear turn stops it but... something isn't right. If I tell MatterControl to extrude, it does no problem.. but while printing, it seems to be an issue.

    I'm using Robo3D branded PLA at 210. I've adjusted the filament tension bolts (half turn each way) with no improvement.


    Thanks again!
  2. Rigmarol

    Rigmarol Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2016
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    You may need to in erase the distance between the print bed and your nozzle. This is called the z setting. If it is too close the extruder can't get enough filament to go through the nozzle and ends up grinding away at the filament instead of pushing it through.

    There may be other issues but I would suggest starting there.
  3. Andy Rosen

    Andy Rosen New Member

    Jan 7, 2017
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    Thanks for the suggestion... I played with the Z axis a bit and increasing it to an insane high position makes the noise less frequent, it still happens. It turns out that I am able to reproduce it by just homing the head, bumping up the Z by 20-30mm and then extruding. It will spit out 20-30mm then grind for half a second and keep going for another bit then do it again. Previously I said it was extruding no problem, but now I am second guessing that as I was primarily watching the filament and not listening as closely to the sounds...

    Thanks again for the suggestion as it led me to test further to get more info!

  4. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    The clicking is either the extruder getting stuck mechanically or the stepper skipping steps.
    The latter is controlled by the stepper driver for the extruder motor on the RAMPS.
    Either than card could be detuned or bad. Less likely is a bad stepper motor

    Something you can try if you feel like experimenting would be to swap the stepper driver card from another axis to the extruder and then test to see if it works. That would help isolate the bad part.
    Geof and Rigmarol like this.
  5. Andy Rosen

    Andy Rosen New Member

    Jan 7, 2017
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    All - Thank you for your replies.

    I had two issues, I believe.

    1) I adjusted the voltage pod on the extruder motor and that cured 99% of the clicking. But then it would just stop with odd voltage errors.

    2) the voltage errors led me to find a loose wire going to the heater.

    I am up and going again and thank you!
    Rigmarol likes this.
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