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Unanswered Beads/Blobs of filament (searched, running out of ideas)

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by dbd, Dec 16, 2015.

  1. dbd

    dbd New Member

    Jul 4, 2013
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    My prints with my R1+ have been turning out beautifully (big thanks to marc and danzca6!), except for one issue that's been present in practically every print I've done so far: blobs.

    I did some searching online, looked through the forums, and unfortunately, I still can't seem to resolve the issue.

    Occasionally the extruder will spit out a glob of filament. It generally tends to happen in in the same location on the model (always on one side, so when the object is finished printing, there'll be a streak of beads up one side of the model from bottom to top). I've played with the retraction settings (changing speed from 30 to 50 had no effect, length on move from 3mm to 5mm did little, etc.) and, assuming it could possibly be that the extruder is running a bit hot and melting/spitting out globs of filament, I went from 210 down to 200, then down to 190, with no luck. I'm using the standard Robo Blue PLA filament that's included with the printer.

    I'm running out of ideas - does anybody have any other suggestions on what options I could try/settings I could change, or any other possibilities on what could be causing this? If it's not the retraction settings and not the extruder temp causing this, what else could it possibly be?
  2. Jimmy Husain

    Jimmy Husain Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    What is your Retraction Vertical Lift?
  3. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    That is probably due to the slicer using the same start point for each layer. Sometimes you get a little extra bit of filament at that point (more if you have not calibrated the extruder, which I assume you already did since over extrusion is the first thing to check).

    Randomize layer start points in the slicer.

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