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Bridging with pet+

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by Trama, Jan 21, 2016.

  1. Trama

    Trama Member

    Dec 12, 2015
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    I am having some difficulty in bridging with the pet+. Any tips for success?

    Running at 238 extruder temp with cooling and a speed of 8mms

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  2. WheresWaldo

    WheresWaldo Volunteer ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
    Staff Member

    Feb 18, 2015
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    @Trama - I use PETG almost exclusively and I still have trouble bridging to the point where I no longer even try to bridge and use supports all over. If you angle the support at an odd number of degrees, it makes it easier to remove rather than the usual 45°, I think I have mine set to something like 32° on all my printing profiles.

    Also you may choose to ignore this advice, but I have better success speeding up during bridging rather than running it slower. I recall maybe about 125% of my normal print speed of about 53 mm/s. Combined with a slight increase in extrusion multiplier. But like I said, I get mixed results.
  3. Caleb Cangelosi

    Nov 3, 2015
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    I've been using PETG as well, and I really like it, but I'm having an incredibly hard time getting the raft and supports off. I'll try your odd angle trick. But I wish I didn't have to do a raft at all - I feel like I have to because without it the support won't stick well to the bed. Someone mentioned increasing the air gap, but that hasn't seemed to work. The raft still is stuck to the point of disfiguring the print as I try to remove it. Any hints, or special tools to remove raft/supports? Should I be using a Dremel?

    Also, if I want to print a prosthetic hand, can I use PETG, or do I have to use ABS?

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  4. Trama

    Trama Member

    Dec 12, 2015
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    With supports I usually just slow down there print speed and I get them to stick real well. Other then that they kinda just fly all over the place. I've also been told to adjust the z offset to get them to stick better

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  5. Caleb Cangelosi

    Nov 3, 2015
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    Thanks! I know how to slow down the print speed, burt how do I adjust the Z offset - or rather, to what do I adjust it?

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