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Convince me to buy one?

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by teddddd, Jan 9, 2014.

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  1. teddddd

    teddddd New Member

    Jan 9, 2014
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    Hey guys, I'm a college student and digital artist, used an Ultimaker in a class once and my school is stupid so basically everyone at the school shares one printer. I'm looking to get my own so I can get things done.

    I just have a few questions about the Robo3D:
    1. I plan to get the ABS+PLA model. Are there other materials it can print out-of-the-box? I'm interested in T-glase and Laywood/brick and other exotics.
    2. I see a lot of people swapping the stock extruder for an E3D one -- why? And is it difficult? Does it void a warranty or something?
    3. Has anyone built an enclosure for it? I know we all like to be tough and say the fumes don't matter, but ABS does release a little chlorine gas, when laser-cut at least. :)
    4. Have the support issues been worked out? I was reading some old threads around when they were delivering Kickstarter orders and people were complaining about customer service -- I totally understand how it's hard to organize everything during a Kickstarter and I don't blame them, just wondering if they've gotten better since then.
    5. The site says there's an 8-12 week lead time, does this still hold? I'm looking to this one because the other printers I was watching (Phoenix and Rigidbot) aren't as far along from their Kickstarter and basically changed their ship date from January to April-May. To be honest if the Robo3D were to arrive around then, I'd rather spend $200 less on one of the other two and put the $200 towards upgrades/filament.
    This looks like a great company, and reading through all you guys' threads is awesome -- you're a very helpful and inspiring community!
    Thanks for the time.
  2. teddddd

    teddddd New Member

    Jan 9, 2014
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    Oh also forgot to ask -- I was going to add a small PC fan to make an exhaust system. Would I be able to plug that into the Ramps board somehow, or would I have to make it its own thing? Thanks again.
  3. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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  4. Racegrafix

    Racegrafix Active Member

    Nov 18, 2013
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    8-12 week still holds, I ordered 12+ weeks ago.
  5. Printed Solid

    Printed Solid Volunteer Admin
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Actually, you can print quite a few 'exotic' materials with the stock hot end.
    You can print:
    -any of the lay... materials. they are PLA based and print at PLA temps.
    -any colorfabb materials (PLA/PHA, XT, woodfill). likewise, PLA based and print at PLA temps
    -any standard PLAs
    -any standard ABS, but you will not be able to print the Afinia standard ABS which is a polycarbonate blend and requires temps of around 280!
    -protoplant carbon filled PLA and high temp PLA
    -Taulman T-glase. Really, you should be able to print taulman 618, but team robo says that temps over 230 void the warranty and it needs 235. You will not be able to print taulman 645
    -Fenner Drives ninja flex (polyurethane)

    You will not be able to print
    -polycarbonate/ABS blends
    -Taulman 645
    -Nylon 6

    All that being said, going to an E3D or other all metal hot end is still a really good upgrade and one you want to keep in your budget.
    2 people like this.
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