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Do you like hairy models?

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by Red Submarine, Mar 24, 2014.

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  1. Red Submarine

    Red Submarine Active Member

    Mar 12, 2014
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    I am really enjoying my new printer so far, now that it is working... and am getting pretty decent prints out of it in PLA. I have two issues though:

    1. Every time the print head moves from one area to print in another it leaves a hairy string trail. It's really a cosmetic issue, but it does occasionally mess up the print by catching the head. In reference to the title, no, I do not like these hairy models.

    2. My perimeters don't seem to be wide enough. They stick together well vertically but not horizontally. This is a structural issue and makes it hard to even pull the print off the bed without ruining it.

    My current settings are:
    Layer Height: 0.2
    Minimum perimeters: 3
    Infill: 0.8
    Speed: 50
    Non print speed: 70
    Temp: 180
    Bed: 70
    Cooling: On
    Retraction Length: 1
    Retraction Speed: 30

    The setting for extrusion speed isn't in the Slic3r settings, but in Repetier on the print panel it's set to 60.

    It's clear to me that for the perimeters I need to increase their width but there doesn't seem to be a setting for this. I am stumped on how to reduce hair growth though.

    Attached Files:

  2. AutopsyTurvy

    AutopsyTurvy Active Member

    Feb 24, 2013
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    Try changing the retraction length to 4 and the speed to 33 (the fastest I've found is possible without slipping/scary noises).

    Try upping your print temp for the horizontal fusing issue. Try 190 or 195 to see if there's any improvement - you can go up to about 210 with PLA, but the higher the temp the more likely you are to get oozing which will result in increased stringing, which is already an issue for you. You can also try lowering the print speed - I print fine at 50-70 but many folks find better results at more like 30. You can increase your non-print speed up to around 100-115 to help compensate for the print time increase - as long as your belts are nice and tight, threaded rods firm in the couplings, and the smooth z-rods' base not cracked or anything, it shouldn't be an issue going that fast.

    Not sure what you're printing, but 0.8 infill is probably a bit high for most things unless you need a super strong part. Can go 0.1 to 0.2 most of the time, unless the part is meant to be a structural thing, and then 0.5 is probably plenty.
  3. Ziggy

    Ziggy Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    If you are using Slic3r 1.00 RC3 you will find that when the layer height is 0.2 the infill is actually double what the setting shows. This is a bug in the Slic3r RC3 version. I have no idea what the real infill is when the setting is 0.8 !!!

    There is a simple ooze/retract test http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:22263 which prints in a few minutes and is very useful when testing PLA settings. I was getting all sorts of lumps, bumps and strings in PLA until I was helped through the forum (thanks again to Mark Tomlinson :) ) with a good Slic3r config.

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