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Unresolved Extruder stepper cable fail (Design flaw?)

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by John in MS, Jul 3, 2016.

  1. John in MS

    John in MS Active Member

    Oct 26, 2015
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    My Robo Plus has been down a majority of time for about a month now with extruder stepper issues. I began by thinking it was a motor then went to thinking it was a driver then the ramps. I ended up adjusting my drivers and started a fire and had to replace the ramps

    But in the end it was the cable and one came with motor I bought worked just fine with the old motor. Well after a couple of prints that one failed because I attached the other wires to it and it dragged it down to fail.

    Robo 3d just sent another and it was running fine. I got one good print.


    About four inches tall and it ran the length of the x axis, so I ran another which was to be on the other side:


    As you can see this one failed close to the top and was probably the constant left to right movement that caused this to fail again the second day I had it.

    I didn't have my wires wrong this time. I had them zip tied close to the machine.

    When they say I can build anything for so many inches wide and tal and deep, it seems like anywhere on the X axis should be available but with these weak wired cable I think this isn't true

    I will ask Robo for another but it seems like this will continut to happen.

    Is there anything that can printed to keeo this cable taunt? Do those cable chains I have seen work? And with a stock extruder?

    Is this a design flaw that could always happem?

  2. danzca6

    danzca6 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2015
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    Been printing a lot since last Summer without any wiring issues. I don't have the plus, but can't think the design changed enough to change the way the wiring is routed. This is an unfortunate issue for sure. cable chains are a nice upgrade to manage wiring better. I wonder if you could put some electrical tap around the cable end and the wiring near them to stiffen and protect the ends from bending too much.
  3. Geof

    Geof Volunteer Moderator
    Staff Member

    Nov 9, 2015
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    I have the plus and have no issues. There is a zip tie at the top of the cover that secures the loom. Id guess there is a hold up there. Probably there isnt enough slack pulled through to allow full movement

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