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Solved G-code editing

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by Robert Mocsany, Oct 4, 2016.

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  1. Robert Mocsany

    Robert Mocsany New Member

    Jul 28, 2016
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    Do you have experience with tweaking G-code?

    I would like to add a few extra lines to the code which I know is easy to do in a word processor, but there is a problem. The code for the length of the filament is continuous. I can't touch the extrusion in a word processor without breaking continuity.

    So here is the problem I want to solve:

    As you can see in the picture the short parallel lines are printed in the air (picture 1). I want to print a couple of long lines (the red ones in picture 2 ) along the sides before it starts to print the short ones.

    Do you know if there is a software that can do that? I mean a G-code editor that will recalculate the length of the filament in every line of code that comes after my editing.

    g-code editing.jpg

    g-code editing2.jpg
  2. Ryan TeGantvoort

    Ryan TeGantvoort Active Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    Why not just put the lines you want in the model? I would not mess with editing the gcode, lots can go wrong. Which slicer are you using? You could try to rotate the model 45 degrees to see if those 45 degree lines become a continuous straight line across the whole part.
    danzca6 likes this.
  3. Robert Mocsany

    Robert Mocsany New Member

    Jul 28, 2016
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    I use Matter Slicer, but I got pretty much the same result in Craftware too. Rotating the object is a good idea although in some cases my object is too big to be oriented in any other way. Yes, probably you are right. I should fix it in CAD.
  4. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
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    Feb 21, 2013
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    If the 3D model is an apple.
    then an STL is a cooked apple and the sliced GCode is applesauce.

    You can get to and from some of those at a cost and from others... not at all :)
  5. Robert Mocsany

    Robert Mocsany New Member

    Jul 28, 2016
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    So then how are we going to make a good applesauce in the orchard? We have to come down from the apple tree and tweak the ingredients in the pot, don't we?
    That leads me back to the original question: Is there a good G-code editor/slicer software out there?
    Mattter Slicer can't do it.
    Craftware can't do it.
    Cura can't do it.
    I tried Repetier Host with no luck, despite the fact that it has a G-code editor... somewhat useless, imo.
    And there is RapR3D Visual GCode Editor, but it is in its early stage, I think, because I can't make it work.
    How about Simplify 3D? Can you edit G-code in it? I keep hearing good things about it, but I haven't decided to bite the bullet, yet.
  6. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
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    Feb 21, 2013
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    You are better off finding an editor that has syntax highlighting for GCode. That is the best you will get.
    GCode is not 3D printer specific and there are a lot of tools out there for CNC machines, lathes and the like that can edit GCode.
    I know of nothing that will help you do specifically what you are asking since the slicers are what generate the toolpaths and none of them will provide that level of customization specific to your issue -- at least not that I recognize. You really should ping the Simplify3D forums because if any of them could offer this, or something similar, it will be their slicer. You could post it in the Slic3r and MatterHacker forums as well (reach out to the slicer experts for each slicer you consider). Another one that I have not looked at in years but that might be capable of this type of customization is SkeinForge.

    What you want to do is edit the model or more likely do some custom slicing. Most of the GCode is all in-context so any changes you make at one layer in a slice will need to extend across multiples to many.
  7. Ryan TeGantvoort

    Ryan TeGantvoort Active Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    I use HSMXpress for our CNC Mill. It's the free version on HSMWorks, just doesn't have 3D Tool Paths. But they have a pretty nice editor that I use from time to time to look over the code. I dropped a gcode in the NC Editor and it just changes the color of the comments.

    I typically don't make any changes unless its a new tool holder with the same size tool or turning off the flood, little things like that. The reason is exactly like @mark tomlinson stated. But I can easily do this with Notepad++ which I am more comfortable with, from building websites. There may be a way/plugin for Notepad++ which will highlight aspects of the gcode. But I have no need for this.
  8. Rigmarol

    Rigmarol Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2016
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    Robert Mocsany and danzca6 like this.
  9. Robert Mocsany

    Robert Mocsany New Member

    Jul 28, 2016
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    Thank you guys, I think I will sign up for a few slicer forums and ask around in those communities as well. I will keep you posted (if I'll find a solution).
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