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Hola From Long Beach

Discussion in 'United States of America' started by Edward Morden, Feb 12, 2015.

  1. Edward Morden

    Edward Morden New Member

    Dec 31, 2014
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    Hi Guys!!!

    Felt like it was time to say hola to y'all.

    I got me a Robo R1 from the Robo Headquarters in San Diego at the beginning of the year. I did computer animation for many years with 3D max and always dreamed of being able to Print 3D art.

    I had a few issues starting off that have been fun figuring out thru these wonderful forums and the people who contribute to them. I feel like I have jumped light years in a short amount of time due to both people with the same issues or trying to do the same things. Like printing with Ninja Flex.

    My prints are no way perfect but I am getting better and better at understanding how to use the technology. I have been working mostly with PLA and did a test with Ninja Flex and see lots of promise. I have worked most of the Z Ribbing issues out and will be receiving a new coupling from the Robo team that should sort out the last bit of ribbing I am getting from the slightly bent one. Special Thanks to Ziggy for his tracking down all the issues for that.

    I am getting my temperatures and speeds down thanks to Mike Kelly and all the other people who have posted their issues and worked them out on these forums. Printed Solid, Tesseract, Mark Tomlinson and many more there is a big list of thanks I owe to everyone here.

    I haven't posted any questions of my own on here as I keep finding the answers and understanding the learning curve. I am starting to try other slicers besides Matter Control and I am pretty excited about that.

    I have been sharing my prints on instagram under the #Robo3d.

    Keep on keeping on guys and I am glad to be part of this rad community!

    Attached Files:

    3 people like this.
  2. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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  3. Robert Choban

    Robert Choban Active Member

    Aug 22, 2014
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    What were your ribbing issues and what is the coupling you are recieving, do you have a picture of it.
  4. Edward Morden

    Edward Morden New Member

    Dec 31, 2014
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    This is the part that is bent. I noticed it was bent while cleaning the threaded rods.

    It was bent even more than this and the other was pretty straight. After cleaning everything and adding a PTFE lube to the rods I got the print in white which is way cleaner. Only a few aberrations left. Hopefully when the replacement comes in a few days it should be pretty smooth all around.
    As you can see in the pics below the grey print was how pretty much all my prints came out. Once I identified the issue I tried the fix from Ziggy's post about z ribbing. Put a 3mm ball bearing between the rod and the coupling. When I removed the top I noticed how one rod sat straight and the other coupling was bent. I thought at first it was normal flex but the other was pretty firm. When I removed the rod out I saw the coupling was still bent. What you see in the pic below was the photo I took of it after I tried to straighten it out by hand. It worked a bit but when compared to the other it is still apparent how bent it is.

    Just that fix and the results are drastic.

    photo.JPG photo (1).JPG photo (2).JPG photo 2.JPG photo 3.JPG photo 1.JPG
  5. Robert Choban

    Robert Choban Active Member

    Aug 22, 2014
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    Thanks for the pictures, they are very helpful, I have a few question if you don't mine
    1. where are you getting the new coupling from, can I buy one on amazon or ebay.
    2. where did you get the 3mm ball bearing and do you have pictures of how the bearing sit in the couplers, or is there already a picture on the forum
    3. do you know if there is a post on how to take out the Z axis motors.
    4. Do you know what Ziggy's post is called, is it just Z ribbing.
  6. Edward Morden

    Edward Morden New Member

    Dec 31, 2014
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    No Problem

    Here is a link to the thread.

    This is one of the most helpful threads for the ribbing issue. He did a lot of work to track down all the possible issues.


    This PDF has all the info on how to install the bearing. It can be found on that same thread as well.
    Robo3d Z Ribbing Notes 140614.zip

    When I did mine I noted the wires I disconnected from the board on the bottom and the directions the red and blacks were facing. Even with that I reversed them and they went up instead of down.

    It was cool because I turned them around and it worked great.

    The coupling I ordered from the Robo Team.
    I am waiting for my part and got the conformation the other day so it should be here soon.

    Here is the link for ordering that:

    The ball bearing I got from Long Beach Ace Hardware because I go there for all kinds of stuff. Anywhere they sell hardware like screws and bolts like a bike shop or home depot should have them.
    I would suggest getting these from a store because the bearings I found online like came with like a hundred for like 5 to 10 dollars. Cheep but then I would have 98 ball bearings I would need to find a use for. And right away I picture the kids with printed slingshots and the neighbors with broken windows.

    Any ways when Taking your Robo apart be careful to note what you remove and the direction it was pointing and use the right size screwdriver and allen wrench for things so you don’t strip the screws and you should be fine.

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