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Hot end leaking above head

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by Downgrade, Nov 29, 2013.

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  1. Downgrade

    Downgrade New Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    So I kept noticing that the extruder's head kept getting covered in PLA and I assumed it was an issue with the head picking up plastic that wasn't sticking to the bed, and then sometimes I would have issues with huge globs of molten plastic falling from the extruder onto the print. So I went and started to clean the head well, but noticed there was plastic on the top and thought it might have been a few times I had problems loading filament. After it was all cleaned up I started printing again, and noticed that the PLA was accumulating on the TOP of the head first. I thought maybe the head wasn't on tight enough, but then realized with the firing the way it is it couldn't have just become loose and I can't just twist it on more. I am not sure what to do here. Will I need to take everything apart to fix this problem? If so, how would I go about doing that?

    Here is the area I am talking about. You can kind of see a bit of PLA leaked as I described, but that's after having been cleaned part way through the print behind it (a 30 minute print) IMG_20131129_012418.jpg
  2. tesseract

    tesseract Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    the lower piec simply screws onto the upper plastic piece and what is happening basedo n what I have directly heard about recently or know to be true form experience the brass housing holding thenozzle could be too loose or inside of tehplastic piece tehre is another palstic tube made from PTFE that if cracked will leak filamnet out as well you like you have in your pic.

    The first is a bit tricky the second is a lot harder to dothe firstone is if teh brass housing is to loose just needs to be tightened but the reason it probably came out was because they did not heate it up when assembling those two parts the hot end must be att about 220 -225 C and then tightened down if it is not hot when tightened it can work it self loose so get it hot then tighten

    The second does unfortunately require you take it apart. There is a good video on how to do just that but I can't remember where it is if you do a search you may find it but if you can't let me know and I will search as well

    Hope this helps
    2 people like this.
  3. Downgrade

    Downgrade New Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    Continuing to print I noticed it happens when the head gets too low. Does that make it more obvious what is going on?

    And unrelated, but I have had some x axis shifting so I just checked the pulley and noticed it doesn't even have any bolts in it. Am I maybe checking in the wrong place? I am looking right next to where the belt connects to the motor.
  4. Mike Kelly

    Mike Kelly Volunteer

    Mar 11, 2013
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    I had that issue. Turned out my PTFE tube had a crack in it and it was oozing filament out through the threads. Though it might just be as simple as needing to tighten your brass block a bit more.

  5. shaggy2629

    shaggy2629 New Member

    Mar 2, 2013
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    I'm having the same issue. Looks like I'll be pulling it all apart.
  6. Miky999

    Miky999 New Member

    Dec 7, 2013
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    Same problem here :(
  7. shaggy2629

    shaggy2629 New Member

    Mar 2, 2013
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    Miky999 contact tech support from the site and they'll sort it. They're sending me a new ptfe tube. I hope that fixes it.
    You will have to take your hot end apart, but it is easy just follow the video
  8. Miky999

    Miky999 New Member

    Dec 7, 2013
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    I took everything apart like shown in the video. PTFE-Tube is cracked.

    @mike thx for the videolink
    @shaggy thx for the tip
  9. Thor

    Thor Member

    Nov 19, 2013
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    I'm another person with a cracked PTFE tube... and a warning -- don't let the robo sit for an hour with a heated extruder then cancel -- I usually turn on the heater to preheat while slicing (the hip-hop bunny took forever to slice on my machine) -- at an hour, I shut down the heater because I needed to run off to a party.

    Where it was working/leaking before, now it wouldn't work.
    After taking it apart I found that the PLA had melted all throughout the PTFE tube... and now it's solidified into a solid block.

    So, gotta wait for a replacement...
    Is there a McMaster part number for the PTFE tube? -- I get daily deliveries from them...
    I imagine to cut it properly, I could insert a cold PLA filament and cut with my xuron cutters?
  10. Mike Kelly

    Mike Kelly Volunteer

    Mar 11, 2013
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    Sorry guys, looks like you gotta wait for a replacement. I just upgraded to an e3d, but I had planned on doing that before I got the printer so it just kinda made that decision a little quicker.

    It takes them a few days to get you replacements, but they'll ship you a few I believe.
  11. Thor

    Thor Member

    Nov 19, 2013
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    They did, and now I'm back in business.
    And thanks to Tesseract for the tip on preheating before assembly!
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