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Solved HotEnd doesn't heat when try to print

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by Juan Hernandez, May 24, 2015.

  1. Juan Hernandez

    Juan Hernandez New Member

    Oct 10, 2014
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    I was printing correctly, but suddenly when the software checks the temperature of the bed and the HotEnd right before starts printing it is a problem with the HotEnd because it does not start to heat.
    I thought it was some kind of problem with the thermometer but if I press preheat the HotEnd heat up to the temperature correctly but if I press print when its hot the temperature drops down.
    I checked the console log and with the temperature of the bed appears this
    <-T:24.94 E:0 B:55.7 [56.303]
    <-T:24.94 E:0 B:55.9 [57.317]
    <-T:24.97 E:0 B:56.0 [58.315]
    <-T:25.00 E:0 B:56.2 [59.314]
    <-T:24.97 E:0 B:56.5 [60.312]

    But with the temperature of the Hot End appears this
    <-T:27.5 E:0 W:? [306.855]
    <-T:27.5 E:0 W:? [307.853]
    <-T:27.5 E:0 W:? [308.867]
    <-T:27.5 E:0 W:? [309.865]
    <-T:27.5 E:0 W:? [310.864]

    And also when I cancel the printing all the controls stop working and I need to press disconnect and connect the printer so the controls work again
  2. Mike Kelly

    Mike Kelly Volunteer

    Mar 11, 2013
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    MatterControl is very buggy but are you waiting for the bed to heat first? It won't heat the hot end till after that
  3. Juan Hernandez

    Juan Hernandez New Member

    Oct 10, 2014
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    Yeah I wait for it, there is no problem with the bed, it reaches the designated temperature and continues with the HotEnd but this doesn't change the temperature.
    I tried to preheat the hotness again but now it's not working, maybe its something with the cables I will check it
  4. Mike Kelly

    Mike Kelly Volunteer

    Mar 11, 2013
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    Another thing that bothers me with mattercontrol is there is no temp graph for you to monitor. Nor do they put the error output in any sort of meaningful way.

    The terminal will show you any errors keeping the hot end from heating up. There is some potential it's a loose heater connection. Though that seems less likely

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