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Nozzle Removal

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by XenoZergie, Nov 17, 2013.

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  1. XenoZergie

    XenoZergie New Member

    Nov 17, 2013
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    I'm having some trouble with filament not printing and I'm not sure whether it's a clog or an issue with the hobbed bolt. Reading other threads with similar problems, I thought I'd try to remove the nozzle first and then proceed from there.

    However, I don't have any idea how to actually do that! That thing is so tiny I can't get any crescent wrench I have around it; even the jaws of my adjustable wrench are too thick to grip the tiny flat bit of the nozzle that's sticking out of the block.

    Should I remove the whole extruder assembly first or is there an easy way to just pop the nozzle out? Thanks in advance for swift replies.
  2. Mike Kelly

    Mike Kelly Volunteer

    Mar 11, 2013
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  3. XenoZergie

    XenoZergie New Member

    Nov 17, 2013
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    Okay, so the "nozzle" is that whole assembly with the heating element and the actual tip. Alright, thanks, I'll give that a shot.


    I got the nozzle removed after almost 20 minutes wrestling with those two screws. Those things were in there incredibly tight! Is that normal?

    Anyway, now that I can see the nozzle from a different angle, there is clearly some blackened soot-like substance around the extruder tip as well as inside the tube.

    I have been printing primarily with ABS, so I probably had the temperature too high and burnt it, correct? Can you still use acetone once it's burnt like that or do I need to use manual scrubbing with wire at this point?

    If acetone will still work, is it okay to just drip some from the top of the tube or do I need to pull the tip out and soak that separately?

    Update Two, An Aside:

    As difficult as it was to get those two screws out, I ended up stripping them a bit, so I went to pick up some new screws while running some other errands.

    In the assembly video, they say that the two screws are #6-32 x 1 inch. However, after going to 3 local hardware stores, I can definitely say that the screws in my printer are actually M3.5 x 25 mm as #6-32 is way too big a diameter!

    Also, I am not sure what I am supposed to be gripping with that 14 mm wrench since the tip is maybe half that size. Is there something else I can unscrew underneath the Kapton tape?
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