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PLA Dipped into ABS goo

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by Matheo Stravlas, Apr 3, 2014.

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  1. Matheo Stravlas

    Nov 19, 2013
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    I don't know if anybody tried this yet but yesterday I tried dipping Pla part into ABS goo, and it gave the part a nice glossy and smooth coat onto the piece. It wasn't perfect everywhere but can easy be sanded or acetone cleaned.
    I will post some picture later this day :)

  2. Mike Kelly

    Mike Kelly Volunteer

    Mar 11, 2013
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    You tease, let's see those pictures
  3. Matheo Stravlas

    Nov 19, 2013
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    I can find my camera cable >< have to wait tomorrow morning to take one at work. But so far I got mixed result.
    The goo I choose to use was a little too thick so it kind of put to much on the piece. Work better if its more dilued via multiple dipping. I'm gonna try directly paint the goo on the piece to see the result and post those damn photo tomorrow :)
  4. Matheo Stravlas

    Nov 19, 2013
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    I finally found my cable .
    So Here was the first try yesterday, a spinning top, wich failed due to not enought diluate the abs goo, resulting in concentration spot and overall not good result.
    The second test involve a pla torso that failed and was dragged around by the extruder (It was my first print, I was expecting something to fail .)
    This time I dilute the abs goo 3 time more and made a most progressive approach, dippind it quickly and then do it again and again until I got the smooth finish. Didn't took a lot of details off , almost completely remove the line pattern and overall made the piece look prettier.
    You can see a video of it here, where you can see the shiny effect better

    Lot of test to do but I think its gonna working just fine at the end.

    Attached Files:

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  5. Matheo Stravlas

    Nov 19, 2013
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    So I can make my table of expectation and a quick tutorial :

    - Will remove the line pattern ( already do it but need to test it on more pieces)
    - Will not destroy pieces (already cleaned a failed test with acetone in only a 2 min bath (but need to shake a lot while dancing ) but a piece was damaged when I cleaned it after 3 times)
    - Will fill gap in pieces due to bad printing or simply part glued together (part glued together work without destroying the glue if you are careful and repeating the process leaving the piece dry)

    So what I did so far:
    Took my abs goo and dipped a PLA piece because I'm crazy as ****
    Take the time to the acetone to evaporate wich was really quick. Take a look at the piece... It was messy but has some cool shiny and filled a lot of gap and feel really smooth on the finger.

    Dilute a lot my abs goo, tried again on a more complex shape (Its a polygonal torso), just dipped it really quick and rotating it inside the goo, remove it and let it dried. Did it again 5 - 6 times before it got the same effect, but without the mess.
    Let the piece dry completely before touching them or you need to clean it totally before do it again. You want a very thin coat, and need to let it dry each time before touching it.
    Also don't be like me and try to use an hairdryer on it. It will make bubble, trust me.

    Whats next to do :
    Test it on more piece (with maybe your kind help )
    Try vapor smoothing on a lot more dipped pieces
    Try some painting comparison with the tested part and non tested part (one coat)
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