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Print now has offset slant to the left as it gets higher.

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by JC 3d, Oct 22, 2013.

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  1. JC 3d

    JC 3d New Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    Hey guys new to the forum and I got to say I've been following some of your threads and they are really helping, however I'm stuck at this point, where after a day of calibrating the Z axis I finally got it to stick (with hairspray) and produced my first print. The skirt is printing flawless and the first layer looks like its on point, the problem now is that as the print gets higher, it starts to slant left in my case. I don't yet know how to trouble shoot this one yet, I don't know if it's something to do with slic3r of simply more Z axis problems.

    Tesseract, thank you, I've been reading your threads too and your a wealth of knowledge, however I need to pick your brain on this one, I attached some pictures to help show what I mean.

    I have the PLA system no heated bed, and this print was a 30mm cube with all hollow faces and 4mm square bars.
    image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg
  2. tesseract

    tesseract Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    I replied to you on the other post as well check that and use the file I attached also I have a theory and I need you to do me a favor

    I need you to go through your complete profile for each parameter and add them to this thread I want to see something since your system is setup based on the start up and since you do not seem to be the only one with this issue I am thinking maybe something is being set incorrectly

    This would be a great big help to you and to others if we see something
    I will need to see all the settings for all three groups you used when doing this print.

    I am asking this because the issue seems to be surrounding larger prints with large opens in them and I had a similar thing occurs only it manifested as rough edges thouhg it was just around smaller openings
  3. JC 3d

    JC 3d New Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    Ok so lets run the theory...

    attached are the Slic3r settings I currently have for all three groups. I am going to attempt to print the 15mm solid cube like you recommended and we'll see the results on the next post.
    Print Settings 1.jpg Print Settings 2.jpg Print Settings 3.jpg Print Settings 4.jpg Print Settings 5.jpg Print Settings 6.jpg Filament Settings (PLA).jpg Printer Settings 1.jpg Printer Settings 2.jpg
  4. tesseract

    tesseract Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    I think this may be the reason and I do think it is a harmonics thing called ringing it is caused by certain speeds that sort of resonate and this could be the effect I noticed you speeds are much faster than mine are and one additional setting as well there are other differences but these seem to me to be the critical ones that could cause beneficial changes

    My Speed straight down the list

    Travel 140
    1st layer speed 30%

    also on the advanced
    you show first layer speed of 200% mine is 0 (for automatic) which allows the computer to set it as needed based on the other parameters. In fact all of mine are automatic

    If I am right then your cube may actually turn out OK because this affect if it occurs is usually seen in line with an opening meaning it starts where the opening starts and ends where the opening ends and in the case of your print is pretty much the entire thing except where the corners are

    I hope this helps and if it does we can also help others that may be experiencing the same thing if these setting do not make your original print better then you can always set them back.
  5. JC 3d

    JC 3d New Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    Ok now, I strongly think there is something wrong with the settings, I believe im safe to say it does not have to do with my z axis settings or the physical printer itself for that matter.

    Attached are the pictures of the final print of the 15mm solid cube, I let the printer completely finish so we can have a better look and understanding.

    I did notice a couple of things like it starts to offset on the fourth layer along with a different cross hatch fill. then every 5 layers or so it offsets even more creating a staircase effect.

    Another thing I noticed (which you can see in the pictures) and I could be wrong on this, I see some bulging on the Y axis which could mean the flowrate is too high, right? if that's even possible :rolleyes: ok I'll stop now and let you get back to me. Thanks again.
    photo 1.JPG photo 2.JPG photo 3.JPG photo 4.JPG photo 5.JPG photo 6.JPG photo 7.JPG photo 8.JPG
  6. tesseract

    tesseract Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    JC do you use SKype if so look me up Jeff Janes or jj.tesseract it works really well and is much faster
    then this
  7. JC 3d

    JC 3d New Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    image.jpg image.jpg
  8. AutopsyTurvy

    AutopsyTurvy Active Member

    Feb 24, 2013
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    What was the problem in the end, JC, and how did you fix it? Might be helpful in case someone else runs into the same issue.
    4 people like this.
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