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Printing with wax?

Discussion in 'Printing Filament' started by Drathus, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. Drathus

    Drathus Guest

    So someone in reddit's /r/3DPrinting subreddit just posted this beauty of a picture:


    And had this to say about it:

    I have a roll of wax filament(1.75mm) and wanted to try a print. Here is the low down. Temp of hotend 250f/121c, no cooling fan, no heat bed and set everything to run slow. The problems! The filament is very soft, not much tension on the extruder roller. I have to play with the temp alot because of the softness of the filament and it would strip if the hotend was not hot enough. I think I will print a gear and have a friend cast it with aluminum.

  2. Seshan

    Seshan Active Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    There is so much potential with wax printing, to bad the filament is from Stratasys and is probably freaking expensive.
  3. Drathus

    Drathus Guest

    Yeah, but if you save it for those rare cases where it's use would pay off, it could be an awesome item to have in the arsenel.

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