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Solved Problems with MatterControl 1.1

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by lars-atx, Jan 8, 2015.

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  1. lars-atx

    lars-atx New Member

    Dec 26, 2014
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    I just got my Robo R1 a couple weeks ago, and up until now, have just used the MatterSlice engine.

    I was unhappy w/ print quality, gaps on bottom layer, pillowing on top layer, so I was playing around with the different slice settings.

    When I choose Slic3r as my engine, and hit the generate button, the software just hangs.

    When I choose CuraEngine, it generates the slices, but nothing extrudes when I print. The big gear is turning though and chews up the filament. Have tried this twice with same results. First was a jam that I had to clear, second time I was able to hand feed the filament and then print stl after going back to MatterSlice.

    any ideas?
    thanks in advance,
  2. Mike Kelly

    Mike Kelly Volunteer

    Mar 11, 2013
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    What temperature are you trying to print from? Also a good idea to upgrade to mattercontrol 1.2

    Slic3r is just REALLY slow, like 40 minutes for some slices.

    I think Cura is the best option out there.

    As usual, I suggest making MatterHackers troubleshoot their buggy software: www.matterhackers.com/community/forum
  3. lars-atx

    lars-atx New Member

    Dec 26, 2014
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    Guess that would help. oops...

    I am using the default temps for PLA
    210 extruder temp
    50 bed temp
    firmware Robo3DR1AUTOV1

    I will upgrade mattercontrol to 1.2 and try searching on their site. Any good alternatives to mattercontrol to experiment with? As I am new to this 3d printing space, just using what was supplied.

  4. Mike Kelly

    Mike Kelly Volunteer

    Mar 11, 2013
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    Yeah I understand.

    Repetier-Host is the closest equivalent to MC. It's actually the framework for which MC is based. It's better in a lot of ways though not quite as beginner friendly.

    Cura is what I use. It's clean, simple, has all the feature you need right up front, and isn't overly featured with junk you don't need. I posted some info on setting it up here: http://forums.robo3dprinter.com/index.php?threads/cura-settings.3617/#post-32553

    It's pretty intimidating at first, but just tread slowly.

    I honestly have no idea why Cura engine wouldn't extrude. Maybe it was too low to the glass?
  5. mediaguru

    mediaguru Member

    Nov 10, 2014
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    When I try CuraEngine, it does nothing ar all. Doesn't give an error message, but doesn't slice (or slices to "0 layers")
  6. Mike Kelly

    Mike Kelly Volunteer

    Mar 11, 2013
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    That's really disappointing. Add that to my list of things I don't like about MC
  7. mediaguru

    mediaguru Member

    Nov 10, 2014
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    Honestly, it's been the biggest problem I've had. I downloaded Cura but haven't used it because wasn't sure how to configure properly for the Robo (that's why simply using the slicer within MC would've been so nice)
    #7 mediaguru, Jan 8, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2015
  8. Mike Kelly

    Mike Kelly Volunteer

    Mar 11, 2013
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    Yeah it's actually really basic to setup cura. Most of it is just comparing against MC's features for figuring it out. I posted a link above for setting it up.
  9. Robert Choban

    Robert Choban Active Member

    Aug 22, 2014
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    In MC 1.2 you go thru a procedure to setup the plane of the bed, you use a piece of paper at 3 different location on the bed. Then you make sure MC bed leveling is turned off, because I believe there is something in the robo firmware that handles that.

    Does cura use the same thing for setting up the plane of the bed???
    Also I believe you have to change the M565 Z0 to something different, why is that???

    This is for a Robo R1 8mm closed bottom, hexagon hot end, Robo3DR1AUTOV2

    This is my start up code:

    G28 ; home all axes
    G1 Z5 F5000 ; lift nozzle
    M109 S[temperature] ; set the extruder temp and wait
    G28 Z0 ; Home Z again in case there was filament on nozzle
    M565 Z0
    G29 ; probe the bed
  10. lars-atx

    lars-atx New Member

    Dec 26, 2014
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    I updated MC to 1.2, and updated my Robo Firmware. I also installed Cura, but haven't run through your guide yet, that's planned for today.

    I ran into some print quality issues that based on the visual troubleshooting guide is backlash, but not sure which belts would need to be tightened. Also, my Y axis needs adjustment, but can't figure out how. During the homing process, it slams the bed to the front of the machine, but not sure if this contributes to print quality.

    Is there a consolidated location for all this info? I saw an old FAQ, but not sure how upto date it is.

    Here are pics of the included calibration cube, and the Smooth Rod end caps Mike provided in another thread.
    print quality cube.JPG printer quality end caps.JPG
  11. Mike Kelly

    Mike Kelly Volunteer

    Mar 11, 2013
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    Ok so first off, don't use the paper leveling. When you disable it it's not even used anymore. They really need to update their video but apparently it's a huge expense and time drain for them.

    M565 is Z probe offset. Change it to a negative value if your nozzle is too close to the build platform. This is how you do autoleveling in cura.
    There's a screw on the front of your Y rail bracket. Tighten that to increase belt tension. Just don't make it too tight.

    There's no FAQ really. I've been harping on them for a while to make one but they don't have the man hours.
  12. lars-atx

    lars-atx New Member

    Dec 26, 2014
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    the belt was so loose, i had to take off the bed and take out the retainers to adjust how the belt attached in them. then retightened. It helped some, now just playing with how tight is too tight. ;)

    tightening the y zxis belt seemed to help w/ pillowing too.

    I did see Melody's FAQ online, but its pretty dated. I was thinking of updating that FAQ w/ info from these forums. I'll let you know.

    thanks for all the help.
    2 people like this.
  13. Mike Kelly

    Mike Kelly Volunteer

    Mar 11, 2013
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    Glad to hear it. There's a screw on either side of the Y brackets so it might have just been loose on one side, but either way if it works, it works
  14. mediaguru

    mediaguru Member

    Nov 10, 2014
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    Should we maybe start our own Wiki or Google Doc FAQ or something? Right now, people use the forum for that purpose... but it's inefficient to find common problems and solutions, so people wnd up posting and repeating the same kinds of questions and answers.

    I'd like to see:
    - MC issues and setup specs for other popular software
    - hexagon issues, prevention, and maintenance... tightening, leaking, cleaning, etc
    - general recommended basic upgrades: fan shroud, spool mount, oiler
    - firmware information
    - common calibration/leveling/layer issues (what can cause flaky/brittle layers; wjat causes jerkiness/bumpiness like i am currently experiencing, etc)

    I know there are numerous other issues, but most of the above seem pretty common
  15. Mike Kelly

    Mike Kelly Volunteer

    Mar 11, 2013
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    They're supposed to be buying a Wiki that integrates with the forum when braydon gets back from CES. Hopefully a week or 2 before it's live.
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