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Answered Questions from a noob!

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by k1e1v1i1n, Dec 30, 2014.

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  1. k1e1v1i1n

    k1e1v1i1n Active Member

    Dec 11, 2014
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    Hi everyone I have tried searching but I also have 2 kids running circles around me asking me to print a million little owls so I need to know a few things.

    1. How do I print off the SD card

    2. I have tried installing Repetier Host and it is looking for a bunch of settings, Is there a list somewhere I can get these from?

    3. I have leveled the bed more times then I can remember but I still have prints either being dragged because they are starting too low( Also causing jams) or oosing because they are starting too high. I have seen people say to turn the rods at the start to get it just right but that doesn't seem to work very well for me or maybe I am not trying hard enough I don't really know.

    4. How is it possible I can download things and have then print off without too many problems but the pre-loaded prints not work at all or mess up 99% of the time.

    5. It says there is an update for my firmware and I see the update button when pressed it says updating and waits a while then needs a reconnect at that time shows the same firmware and says there is a new firmware for me to update to.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Depends on the software you use. For me (Simplify) I put the .gcode on the card and load it into the printer. Open the device control panel and select the Print from SD card option. Select the model and off it goes (don't preheat or anything, let the GCode do it all).

    I have NOT tried this with any of the free packages. They should be similar.

    What sort of settings? Most of them should be the same general slicer settings as other software uses... Unless you mean printer configuration settings which should also be much the same regardless of software (bed size, etc.)

    The other questions are R1 specific and sound like you do not have the auto-leveling configured correctly. I don't have one of those to play with, someone else chime in.
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