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Solved Robo C2 - Stops Printing Mid Print then Freezes

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by Miguel Rodriguez, Aug 3, 2020.

  1. Miguel Rodriguez

    Feb 2, 2019
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    I purchased a used Robo C2 and within 8 hours got it up and printing thanks to other posts on this Forum. It worked for about 2 days and only lost connection a few times which ended with 2 failed prints out of 8 or so. I did not print for a couple of days while I worked on my R1 and then got back to printing, since then I have only gotten 1 good print and that was a fan shroud for my R1. Everything else I try to print stops mid print, loses connection to the web page and freezes for about 3 minutes or so. Have not timed it. I finally realized that there are logs I can download but cannot make heads or tails of them other than the obvious. I was wondering if anyone can tell me by looking at the logs what the issue might be. I have attached several logs i got from Octoprint. After one of these bad connection errors I have to home everything because if not the print bed will stay on the bottom and the print head will begin printing in mid air. Error persists even when saved to usb drive and printed that way.

    Robo C2
    Latest Firmware
    Cura for Robo beta (from the robo site)
    Robo blue PLA
    Standard Build plate with tape
    Filament sensor disabled

    Turns out I can print what was stored on the printer prior to the errors no problem.

    Attached Files:

    #1 Miguel Rodriguez, Aug 3, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2020
  2. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    OK, here is the deal...
    If you check the logs you will see that at some point during the print you are getting this error back from Marlin (the software running on the Arduino CPU inside the control board).

    | Send: N20602 G1 X57.86 Y38*061 E1509.16492*101
    | Recv: Error:checksum mismatch, Last Line: 20601
    | Recv: Resend: 20602

    The first line is the command sent from the Pi (OctoPrint) to the control board
    The second line is the response from Marlin on the control board
    The third line is the Pi resending the command.

    At some point you are getting hangs due to excessive communications errors.
    The normal approach with this error on something like an R1 would be: "Replace the USB cable to the control board".
    I certainly would suggest taking a look at that cable and the connections to the Raspberry Pi and the Control board to make sure it is firmly seated on both ends (maybe unplug and plug it back end on both ends).
    If that doesn't help then the cable is either bad or the Pi or control board is failing.
    Of these I would start with the USB cable and then I would suspect the control board rather than the Pi.
  3. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    The fact that presliced prints on the Robo are working is interesting... which slicer did you use to slice the ones that are failing?
  4. Miguel Rodriguez

    Feb 2, 2019
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    I used Cura for Robo beta from the Robo site and I just had success with printing 2 stored prints, one of which I sliced with Cura just before it went started having errors. I feel I should also mention I have it connected via ethernet to my network and the USB cable was the first thing I changed when originally troubleshooting.
  5. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
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    Feb 21, 2013
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    OK, the USB cable I am referring to is the one inside the printer that connects the Raspberry Pi to the control board.
    It is short (maybe 8 inches?)

    The ethernet connection is fine I use that myself on my C2.

    I would suggest trying another slicer (perhaps MatterControl or Repetier host among the free ones). Although that error is usually more of a communications problem than a slicer one.
  6. Miguel Rodriguez

    Feb 2, 2019
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    That is the cable i replaced. It was one of your suggestions in another thread when I initially started my troubleshooting. I can try another if you think it might help and I will try another slicer when i get home.
  7. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    OK, if you swapped it then the cable is likely not the culprit.
    The slicer? I still think you should try another one, BUT I really have never seen that sort of error from a slicer issue.

    It might very well be hardware I am just not sure which to start with... maybe the power supply for the Pi (IIRC there is a power adapter board in there to step the 19v wall supply down to 5v for the Pi). Either that or the control board has a 5v output to power the Pi, but I am fairly sure there was a separate converter board. Make sure that the 5v supply to the Pi is stable.

    At any rate if the power to the Pi is not stable you could certainly get communications errors -- same is true for the control board. Maybe make sure that the power brick is putting out 19v solid and stable...
  8. tkoco

    tkoco - -.- --- -.-. ---
    Staff Member

    May 7, 2018
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    I agree with @mark tomlinson that power could be an issue. Try simple things first before replacing expensive things.You can try reflashing the SDCard for the Raspberry Pi. @mark tomlinson has copies of RoboOS for the C2. There are two version of RoboOS depending on the touch screen cabling - HDMI va non-HDMI.
    mark tomlinson likes this.
  9. Miguel Rodriguez

    Feb 2, 2019
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    So I figured out what the issue is and I feel silly, especially because I am a computer tech. My nic card on my desktop was going out and was causing issues with connection and I had kinda noticed it but did not put 2 and 2 together. Once i added my new usb 3.0 to ethernet adapter, the issue disappeared and I have been printing with no issues.
    tkoco and mark tomlinson like this.

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