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Robo R1 Plus

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by danzca6, Aug 20, 2015.

  1. danzca6

    danzca6 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2015
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    I saw on Twitter and on the Robo site that Robo is shipping the R1 Plus version at the end of August. I tried to search the forum to find any further detail of the changes over the R1, but I couldn't find much. Sorry if this is a duplicate thread. Below is what the site says and there are a couple pictures but is the linear motion really any different than what I have on my R1 I got a month ago? I have smooth rods for the y axis, auto leveling, hexagon all metal extruder, SD card printing, and metric z-threaded rods already. I know there is an upgrade to have direct threaded rods to the stepper motor. What is better about the filament feeding system? I heard on Twitter that they wouldn't be making that an upgradable purchase for the older machines, but would supply the 3d model to print. Has anyone seen this model yet? Would it be something posted to Thingiverse when it comes out? They say a full upgrade, and I am just wondering more about the technical details instead of just the PR marketing terms. What will it have that I don't already have with my R1 and how do I upgrade each of those things so that I'm running the latest tech? I know, I'm chasing the moving target of technology. I'm glad to see they are selling it at the same price. I really have a ton of fun using my R1 and I'm glad I made the purchase over my other top choices. It's great to see them improving it all the time as well.

    The R1 3D Printer has been fully upgraded! It is now called the R1 Plus.
    Assembled and Calibrated ROBO 3D R1 Plus 3D printer includes all new linear motion and lead screws for better quality, performance, and consistency. Also includes a better filament feeding system for ease of use. Additional components for leveling, guidance, and performance of the R1 Plus make it the best option for desktop 3D Printing today. You will love it.
    - See more at: http://www.robo3d.com/products/r1-plus-3d-printer#sthash.X6KiahRz.dpuf
  2. Mike Kelly

    Mike Kelly Volunteer

    Mar 11, 2013
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    They just changed how the hexagon is held in place and changed the Z axis for lead screws.
  3. danzca6

    danzca6 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2015
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    hmmm. And that is considered "Fully upgraded?" Well that's good to know. A little anti-climatic I guess. I still have my eye on doing the z-axis upgrade and I guess I will wait to see if they post the model for the filament feeding system. Until then, if it ain't broke don't fix it I guess. :) Thanks for the reply Mike.
  4. Mikethinks

    Mikethinks Active Member

    Mar 8, 2014
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    Keep in mind there have been several incremental upgrades for the past year, the R1+ has all of those and then some :)
  5. danzca6

    danzca6 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2015
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    That's what I find funny about Robo. I wish they would change it from R1 to R1V# each time they make an update so when you get the printer you know what version of the R1 you have. Is there a list of what changes to the R1 have been made over time? I can't imagine that the tweaks done at the factory aren't driven by the community finding improvements and sharing with all. It would be cool to have a running list with a subsequent DIY if you want to upgrade your own printer to keep up with the factory modifications added. I'm pretty new to the Robo community and it would be cool for a noob to be able to see the evolution of the Robo over time. I really appreciate the early adopters that have pushed the technology to what we can buy today.
    Thehead likes this.
  6. Mike Kelly

    Mike Kelly Volunteer

    Mar 11, 2013
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    I wrote up a change log at some point but it would take a while to find and the wiki I put it on was taken down. I consider the R1+ the R1.7 because there's been about 7 noteworthy changes since it left "Beta"

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