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Solved Robo3D R1+ Z-Axis Play

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by Lee, Oct 28, 2015.

  1. Lee

    Lee Member

    Oct 4, 2015
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    I recently received my R1+ (nice machine) and have noticed the following:

    On the right side of the bed there is a Z Axis lead screw with a nut secured to a plastic holder as shown in the attached picture. The holder also has the micro switch on it. When the Z Axis lead screw turns the nut and plastic holder turns slightly. The nut is tight in the plastic holder. The plastic holder is the piece that is rotating back and forth. I contacted tech support and they said that is the way it is supposed to be. That doesn't sound right to me. I would consider it to be backlash and over time the plastic holder will wear out from the constant rotating back and forth. What do you think? Has anyone come up with a solution?


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  2. Jimmy Husain

    Jimmy Husain Member

    Oct 16, 2015
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    I am actually having the same "problem". I wonder if it is supposed to be like that.
  3. janot928

    janot928 Active Member

    Feb 20, 2015
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    I also have that ..... didn't had any issued even when going sub 0.1mm layer height so don't worry
  4. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    I have that on one of my Betas that I upgraded to include the auto-leveling.
    It is caused by the plastic housing (around the nut) not being quite firm against the top of the nut and the small amount of backlash on the nut itself. It is harmless. It would take a really long time for there to be enough wear on that housing to matter (and you could print a bajillion spares in the interim). The switch is the part that makes contact with the X carriage (or should be) not the plastic around the switch.
    RoboRage likes this.
  5. Lee

    Lee Member

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Hi Mark,

    Yes, the switch is making contact with the X carriage. So, if I want to fix it then how do I get the plastic housing firm against the nut? I am guessing that I would loosen the small horizontal screw and then turn the nut until it is tight against the housing. Can I do that without causing the switch to move out of adjustment?

    As another option, what would happen if I made a small bracket that went around the housing and the X Carriage housing and bound them together (sort of like putting a Tie wrap around both housings)?

    Any idea where I can get the drawing for the housing? Sorry for all the questions.

  6. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Anything that leaves the switch able to contact the bottom of the carriage is fine.
    The switch is not that sensitive, it only needs to sense the carriage lifting so as long as it is positioned in the right spot the left/right deflection is not affecting it.

    I just let mine wobble a bit. Zero impact.
  7. Lee

    Lee Member

    Oct 4, 2015
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    I believe that the problem is caused by the position of the holes used to secure the right hand Z Axis stepper motor. If you look at the enclosed picture, you can see that the Z Axis lead screw is toward the left (center of bed). If I move it to the center of the hole then the bracket moves with it and reduces the play. I believe that Mark and tech support were both right in saying that it won't hurt anything. But, it still doesn't look good. The best solution would be to have a new bottom plate where the Z axis stepper mounting holes were about .050 more towards the right. Another solution would be to print a new bracket that is a little thicker. That is probably what I will do.

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    mark tomlinson likes this.
  8. Lee

    Lee Member

    Oct 4, 2015
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    I received a message from Support. The man (you know who I mean) had the answer. The nut shown in my picture was too low. I loosened the screw as indicated by the picture and moved the nut up. I used a multi meter to check the micro switch. It is normally open and when you push up slightly on the horizontal X rods, that lifts the motor and its housing slightly which causes the switch to go closed. That is how it knows when it contacts the glass plate for auto leveling.

    Once the nut was moved up and everything was set, the play was reduced to almost nothing.

    Thanks to all.

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    Jimmy Husain likes this.

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