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Unresolved Simplify3d Calibration issues

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by Larry H, Jul 12, 2016.

  1. Larry H

    Larry H Member

    Dec 27, 2015
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    I had posted a similar issue before but that was when I only had MatterControl. I finally bought Simplify3d and after many initial issues with the Robo3d R1 plus profile I made my own and copied the basic configuration values over.
    I have the same two questions again but more options to try and fix them. I do not have pictures at the moment for this if needed I can post them later.

    1. I'm back again trying to print that good old 20mm Cube and the walls feel kind of weak because the inner and outer parameters aren't really bonding well. I tried changing the outline overlap from 25% to 30% and while it strengthened the walls it overextruded, the corners expecially I can see where it starts getting a bit of a overhang after the bottom layers.
    I had changed the extrusion multiplier from .8 to 1 for a first layer adhesion issue before realizing for that it was the first layer was set to .1mm instead of .2mm or 200% of the first layer . If I change the extrusion multiplier back to the default or Auto should it help fix the overextrusion with a 30% outline overlap?

    2. The other issue is again the top layers are not connecting to the walls for at least the first 3 layers. I get a "ok" top layer but it's usually a bit thin, not smooth, and starting to get too high. Is it the bridging tab I should be looking at and if so does anyone have recommended settings to start with? I'm tempted to just say that's good enough since I'll add supports or something else to avoid support less bridging like the plague ;)

    thanks for any help anyone can give me.
  2. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Start here and compare:


    When you have some pictures I can come up with more specific suggestions.
    I would avoid playing with the extrusion multiplier. If you really are getting under or over extrusion calibrate the extruder and tweak the values in firmware. Then in specific cases you might need or want to fine tune an entire print with the multiplier, but get dead on normal first*. Wall thickness might be a better thing to look at (Outer/Perimeter Shells).

    The top layers issue also sounds like under extrusion so maybe you wan to verify the extruder is calibrated...(it could also be a low setting for infill, but since you have other similar extrusion issues rule that out first).
  3. Larry H

    Larry H Member

    Dec 27, 2015
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    Ok thanks, should I double-check the default extrusion multiplier after setting up another copy of the Robo 3d R1+ profile and set it on mine or hit just select Auto? The parameters (wall thickness?, I'm new to Simplify3d) is set to 4 or 5 which didn't seem to make much difference. Only outline overlap really seemed to make much of a difference.
    It is likely a under extrusion issue for the top layers about 80% of normal extrusion. I tweaked the bridging settings tab which I'll find the default values and reset it.

    Do you think it would be better to just setup the default Robo3D R1 plus profile again and modify the z-offset and make the first layer .2mm (200%)?

  4. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Eliminate the main thing first. Start with this, then we can experiment with other settings once we know you are not under/over extruding:

  5. Larry H

    Larry H Member

    Dec 27, 2015
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    I followed the video for the first part and it's under extruding by about 10mm.
  6. Larry H

    Larry H Member

    Dec 27, 2015
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    Cube1.jpg screenshot shows a green line in between the inner and outer parameters of the cube wall. That was at 30% overlap and it definitely was not there in the program or printed out at 25% overlap.
    The other 3 files are from the cube with 30% overlap which you'll be able to see on two corners the extrusion went a little farther then it should have, but all 4 corners look fine at 25% overlap.
    In IMG_7237 the block next to it for comparision, with the hole in the top allowed me to see there's at least one or two layers of filament just printed right in the center without touching the walls at all. Likely at least the first layer which went lengthwise rather then corner to corner.

    Could all of those issues be from 10mm under extrusion?

    Attached Files:

    #6 Larry H, Jul 13, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2016

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