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Solved So far, Not so good.

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by TommyFilth, Apr 25, 2015.

  1. TommyFilth

    TommyFilth New Member

    Apr 21, 2015
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    So I have to say so far I am a little disappointed with the out of the box condition of my printer. There were scuffs on the case (I can get over that) and seemingly residue on the nozzle which when asked about on the phone was told they wouldn't sell a refurbished as new and that they were not assembled at the same facility as the call center which I can buy for the moment.

    But the first print (first ten) were just a bunch of shredded wheat. I can accept a fail but without a trouble shooting guide and a way to figure anything out except for intuition was a frustrating first day.

    So after the nozzle dragging for the first couple of layers I switched from Matter Control on OSX to Cura and got a print to start right, but Matter Control on OSX just seems like an elusive dream. Called Tech support and was told to reinstall the printer and/or Firmware did both got a little better but still failed. It just seemed to give up on keeping a Z height anywhere close to where it should be, and would then just dig into the print after about 15 to 20 layers.

    I switched over to Matter on XP and finally got it to print a test cube correctly (not perfect but it finished) Then the Matter slicer tried printing the wrong way in the z height and would lower with each pass. Switched to CuraEngine and got the beginning of a good print but the Z would click with each quarter turn and then after 15 or so layers the Y axis gave up and shifted 1" north.

    After checking the Y pulley I decided to check the board under the case, when I turned it sideways I heard something rattling around and figured I had to open it up, a little nut was loose in the case, and when I had it on its side I could see a small matching screw stuck in the fan on the bottom, I pulled the nut and screw looked at all the connections and buttoned it back up.

    Now trying again and so far no Z clicks and about 20% done.

    Could the fan being stalled cause a resistance and power problem/overheating problem and cause all of those problems? I guess I'll know in an hour or two.

    The other problem is the first layer has gone back to the nozzle against the glass, is there a software setting for this, or should I or can I add a .2 +z into the Start G-Code?

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  2. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Things I would suggest :
    1) Download and manually update the latest firmware. There was a batch that went out with the wrong firmware installed. Your prints look a little squashed which might be due to that.
    2) Throw MatterControl in the recycle bin and get something better. Repetier Host is better (and free).
    3) Nozzle on the glass is Z offset and should go more negative to raise it some.
    TommyFilth likes this.
  3. jbigler1986

    jbigler1986 Active Member

    Feb 13, 2015
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    And yes the fan not working will cause the ramps board to overheat. When it overheats it will miss steps which is why the z is digging in and the y shifted. I had z digging in as well but had my fan unplugged. As soon as I plugged it back in I have yet to have the issue.
    TommyFilth likes this.
  4. jbigler1986

    jbigler1986 Active Member

    Feb 13, 2015
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    Print feet for it so it raises it and gets more airflow
    TommyFilth likes this.
  5. TommyFilth

    TommyFilth New Member

    Apr 21, 2015
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    So the part last night actually worked and worked well. I have since printed a couple of other objects with great results. So now it's just the quality control that isn't that great from the Company. I had to tighten the x belt a little and not only dig out, but find on accident the loose screw stuck in the only cooling fan underneath the machine. I think the company is lucky to have so many tinker consumers that is apt to troubleshooting on their own. There will come a time when every printer will have to work flawlessly or they're all getting returned. It seems like inkjet printers didn't have this long of a development phase and this Beta testing phase of technology.

    Either way I'm glad to have it working now and that I wont have any more of this initial frustration. I'm sure that will come with ABS.

    1) I did the Firmware
    2) was about to trash Matter Control, but some part wanted to see the standard tools first before searching for what's better.
    3) is there a way to set it in Matter Control or can I just add a line to the Start G-Code to raise the Z by .2?

    It's so strange how a seemingly unrelated issue can cause so much strange problems for printing.

    Feet are literally next in my Queue.
  6. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
    Staff Member

    Feb 21, 2013
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    Can't help you with MatterControl settings. Someone else maybe can chime in.
    I will never install that junk again :)
    It is not a 'standard' tool by any means. But, hey.. it is free

    Somewhere it should have a startup gcode setting and you can add/adjust your Z offset there if nowhere else. Or it may have a setting for that somewhere.
  7. TommyFilth

    TommyFilth New Member

    Apr 21, 2015
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    What have you tried and I'm assuming from your earlier message Repetier Host is a favorite. I like the all in one idea of MatterControl to be able to slice and then print from the same software, I do too much software switching as it is to want it in a hobby.
  8. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
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    Feb 21, 2013
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    No, repeteir host was my goto FREE software package.
    I don't use it anymore either, I bought Simplify3D and never looked back (or had software issues again).
  9. mark tomlinson

    mark tomlinson ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ
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    Feb 21, 2013
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    P.S. Repetier host, Cura, they all do the same (but better than MC IMHO) you slice and print from the same UI.
    Only some of the more odd-ball ones (like KISSLICER) are stand alone slicers that require something else to initiate the print.
  10. TommyFilth

    TommyFilth New Member

    Apr 21, 2015
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    Awesome, thanks for the recommendations, I can't wait to dig deeper into this.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. TommyFilth

    TommyFilth New Member

    Apr 21, 2015
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    So it's up and running and working well, I've done a number of prints that have worked well for upgrades like the feet and spool holders, did a duct for the fan, now I'm having fun.

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