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  1. john c
    john c Mike Kelly
    Thanks Mike. Got a spare board I'll take one of that should work then if every thing else is set up OK.
  2. john c
    john c Mike Kelly
    Hi I have just upgraded my robo beta to dual extruder's. The second extruder will not work. Could be firmware issue not sure, the hot ends are Chimera and the firmware is set up to their E3D on-line Wiki page.
    1. Mike Kelly
      Mike Kelly
      You need a second stepped driver
      Nov 28, 2015
  3. S-Fly
    Just ordered a Robo3d R1 Plus!
  4. aznhlfan
    aznhlfan Mike Kelly
    I had a jam in the extruder of my robo 3d plus, i took the extruder off, cleared the jam, put it back together, and now the extruder wont heat up past 48. What didnt I connect right?
  5. Robotron
    Robotron Mike Kelly
    Hey Mike i was wondering if you have any idea on how to fix the problem i am running into on my R1. The Robo 3d logo is facing me every time i hit home and it goes to the left its not sensing its the end and it keeps hitting the end for about 20 to 30 secs then goes down to the bed. Any ideas on what may be the problem ? i check the switch with my meter and that seems to be working fine.

  6. Arturo Lopez Uscanga
    Arturo Lopez Uscanga
    R1 has me ripping my hair out... Even after a Firmware update...
  7. Richard Caudle
    Richard Caudle
    I need the black hotend cover. I can print without it, but the temperature fluctuates too much. Any suggestions?
  8. manny
    manny Marquis Johnson
    hi marquis
    first off i want to say thank you for all your videos they been very useful, keep them coming. i have a very important question, do you have a working firmware for i could use for they arduino board? i got a lcd pretty much like the one you got and i cannot get it to work. also if you have any better suggestion as far a software goes so i can finally dish matter control. please help.

    than you ahead.
    1. Marquis Johnson
      Marquis Johnson
      I'll send you a PM of my current setup
      Sep 26, 2015
  9. WheresWaldo
    WheresWaldo donhuevo
  10. aznhlfan
    Newbie but learning.
  11. piku fuld
  12. WheresWaldo
    WheresWaldo donhuevo
  13. WheresWaldo
    WheresWaldo donhuevo
  14. Sonny's Robo3D
    Sonny's Robo3D
    WOW simplify3d
  15. NFOsec
    NFOsec Blake Benefield
    Thanks a million for your input, solved all the problems.
  16. Sonny's Robo3D
    Sonny's Robo3D
    Can't wait to start helping out on the Robbie project - just waiting on those lead screw upgrades so I can get the best print.
  17. Miguel Angel Quintero
    Miguel Angel Quintero Mike Kelly
    Hey mike...I've recently installed a e3d v6 and my results on my prints are just awful...they start well, first three layers, but then its a mess, however, sometimes they finish well. I'm thinking it's a z axis issue pressing down too hard in some areas and scrapping across the print.

    any ideas?
    1. Mike Kelly
      Mike Kelly
      Go ahead and make a thread with pictures
      Aug 25, 2015
  18. barry ginsberg
    barry ginsberg
    Wyckoff, NJ Retired Executive
  19. PeterkSharma
    Can this Robo print me a hamburger..... I'm hungry